Monday, 13 December 2010
Outcome of Annual Conference
The conference considered four propositions seperately and each was voted on. Option One was to leave the constitution as it is at present. Option Two (from the Policy Unit) was for the Chairman to be advised and assisted by a nationally elected executive of eight, however the Chairman would continue to be the governing body.
Option Three, also from the Policy Unit, was for a governing body to be a national executive comprising a chairman plus eight seperately elected members of an executive committee. Option Four, Arthur Kemp's proposals (amended in unspecified ways by nick griffin), involved a governing body of an executive committee comprising the Chairman, two representatives from each region plus three members appointed by the chairman; the National Nominating Officer, National Treasurer, and National Organiser.
Option One did not need to be printed. Options Two and Three were printed and distributed but probably not read by many. Option Four was not printed but a sheet summarising its main points was distributed.
Option One received three votes. Options 2 and 3 together received seventeen votes. Option Four received (I believe) 42 votes, therefore Option Four would go to the EGM.
When I left on Saturday I was concerned that Arthur Kemp's proposals might have been changed in unspecified ways and that our proposals had not been properly examined. However on Sunday morning Arthur Kemp explained his proposals in greater details and they appeared not to have been changed in essense.
There was a suggstion from Clive Jefferson that the Chairman should have the right to remove members of the executive committee. I argued that this would remove the essence of Arthur Kemp's proposal and it would transform the executive back to the current Advisory Council. Our Chairman put Clive Jefferson's suggestion to the vote and it was decisively defeated.
Arthur Kemp's proposals will be 'honed and debugged' and even substantive amendments will be considered. Presumably these amendments will be put to the EGM so that members will have the opportunity to decide whether or not to accept them. However the one amendment that would be debarred would be the suggestion that members of the executive could be removed by the Chairman. That could not be proposed because the Annual Conference has voted on it and rejected it specifically and decisively.
Whilst I would have prefered to have seen one of the Policy Unit's motions passed I believe that Arthur Kemp's proposals are infinitely superior to the present constitution. I am cautiously optimistic that it will be passed by the EGM – I hope without substantive amenments that are destructive of its essentials.
I hope that these constitutional proposals will please sufficient alienated members to reinvigorate the Movement. It will not satify all of those seeking complete constitutional change, however even they must accept that Arthue Kemp's proposals are a significant improvement. It will enable members of the executive to express their opinions and raise questions freely and fearlessly. This will lead to an improved quality of decision making.
We must all recognise that we cannot have everything that we want, however we must see that this proposal – as long as it is not changed unfavourable before the EGM – is something that we can all accept.
Andrew Brons
Submission from Peter Strudwick
This constitution shall come into effect on ……….. day of …………. 2010 and supersedes all earlier constitutions which shall hereby become null, void and of no effect.
Party Name
The party’s official designation is “The British National Party” (also known as “the B.N.P.”) Its status is that of an unincorporated association comprising all persons who have lawfully become members of the party and who are pledged to carry out, through their membership, the party’s aims and objectives. Each member on joining agrees to be bound by the terms of this constitution, including the respecting of the contractual rights and liberties of other members.
Political Objectives
The party’s political philosophy is rooted in the ideology of nationalism which is the translation into effective action of patriotic sentiment, love of country and the preservation of our ancestral homeland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the unshakeable conviction of a British nationalist that the territorial integrity of the homeland is sacrosanct and that all policies, economic, social and foreign policy shall be conceived and maintained in the spirit of that conviction.
The principles of self-determination and non-intervention in the affairs of independent states (unless a proven British national interest is involved) shall be the necessary, if not the sufficient, condition of our involvement in the political process.
The party believes that economic prosperity and stability is best achieved through a predominantly private enterprise-based economy but within a framework of regulatory state intervention where necessary to eliminate cartels, restrictive practices and monopoly capitalism. In particular, we oppose unchecked free movement of labour and capital across national boundaries where it threatens the employment and well-being of our own nationals.
Specifically, our party asserts that finance shall exist to serve the nation, its industries and businesses and not to act as their masters.
Our party believes in a productive partnership of capital and labour, efficient management and a trade union movement responsive to its members’ collective bargaining interest in fair wages and good working conditions.
In international affairs, our party endorses the need for maximum international co-operation between states and the reciprocity principle of ambassadorship, including Britain’s membership of the United Nations (albeit under a reformed charter) but we firmly reject the doctrine of internationalism which, as a political construct, we hold to be in antithesis to nationalism and national preference.
Party Structure
The party believes firmly in the principles of representative democracy, embracing acceptance of the widest possible participation by its members in the party’s activities. We assert that our growth and development can therefore best be achieved by a “bottoms-up” rather than a “tops-down” approach through the promotion of local activism on the widest possible scale in all regions of our country.
These principles are reflected in the organigram set down herewith in this Constitution. In replacement of earlier constitutional arrangements the party’s governance shall be vested in a body to be known as the National Executive Council (N.E.C.)
The N.E.C. shall consist of the Party Chairman and all members of a Political Committee and an Administration Committee. The former shall comprise the following: the Party Chairman (who shall chair the Political Committee’s meetings), Deputy Chairman, National Organiser, Elections Officer, Nominating Officer, Publications Officer, Regional Organisers (up to 12 in number), Portfolio Holders (comprising between 8-10 persons), Young B.N.P. Chairman, Councillor representatives (up to three in number) and MPs/MEPs, such as shall have been elected.
The Political Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year and its minutes shall be available to all members on request.
The Administration Committee shall comprise the following: a National Administrator (who shall chair the meetings of the Administration Committee), National Treasurer, Regional/Deputy Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Web Manager, Chairman of Board of Trustees, National Fundraiser, and co-opted members (up to four in number).
The Administration Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year and its minutes shall be available to all members on request.
As per the organigram below, portfolio holders will be members who are responsible for research and political development in the main areas of the party’s programme. Their function is to work closely with the party chairman and to provide specific and high quality policy formulation to advance the party’s profile.
Office of Chairman
The Party Chairman, who is also the Party Leader, is the senior political officer of the party by virtue of the confidence reposed in him or her by the party’s members through election. As such, the Chairman has executive powers over the conduct of the party’s political programme and activities but not so as to derogate from powers vested by the Constitution in other officers of the party. The Chairman and National Administrator, who is the party’s principal administration officer, shall at all times and whenever possible work in co-operation with each other in the best interests of the party.
Party Organisation
The nationwide administrative organisation of the party shall be settled on a geographical basis into regions. All branches, groups and contacts within a specific region shall be administered by that region and no other.
Each party region shall consist of a county or group of counties and within such party region branches, groups and contacts shall be based as a matter of administrative convenience on cities, towns and, where appropriate, parliamentary constituencies.
Branch organisers, group organisers and contacts shall be appointed and answerable to their respective regional organiser. Each regional organiser shall be appointed by and be answerable to the National Administrator.
Branch organisers and group organisers shall have full executive powers over the affairs of their branches and groups. All branches shall have a fundholder to be appointed by the National Treasurer to whom such fundholder is answerable.
The elevation of contact designation to group status, or group to branch status shall be the responsibility of the regional organiser.
Party Membership
Membership is open to all individuals who support the principles of our party and who wish to advance its objectives. An applicant for membership must be over the age of 16 and may not belong to another political party.
Upon admission to membership an individual acquires such rights and assumes such obligations as are consistent with the proper functioning of an unincorporated association, including the exercise at all times of good faith, and respect towards other members.
In the event of a member engaging in activities prejudicial to the good name of the party it will be open to the National Administrator, on submission from the relevant regional organiser, to remit such matter to the Disciplinary Committee for an opinion as to continued membership or suspension from membership. If a member is required to leave the party no part of any subscription already paid is refundable. Any period of suspension shall be discounted in assessing any period of ‘continuous membership’ for the purposes of this constitution.
An individual may resign membership by letter in writing to the National Administrator or simply by not renewing membership in the following year.
Individual membership subscriptions shall be set at a rate to be agreed by the National Executive Council on recommendation made by the National Treasurer. In the event of disagreement amongst the Executive Council the rate shall be determined by simple majority vote.
No party member shall be liable for any debts or liabilities incurred in good faith and in pursuance of the party’s activities beyond the amount of that member’s subscription in the year in which such debts or liabilities were duly incurred. Nor may any party member be held accountable for the debts and liabilities of any other member of the party, or of the party itself.
Board of Trustees
The legal title to all the party’s assets shall be vested in a board of trustees which, in accordance with statute law, shall consist of not more than four persons. The Board’s function shall be to ensure that any capital receipts from donations, legacies and bequests made to the party are productively invested for the benefit of the party and that all capital expenditures are made with a view to obtaining the best possible appreciation of capital while ensuring a reasonable income from such investment. The Board of Trustees shall, at all times, keep a recognised simple accounting system.
The Board should give due and proper consideration to any request by the Chairman as to the allocation of capital monies but they should at all times act independently and not be constrained to accede to such request.
Only party members are eligible to become members of the Board of Trustees and should comprise persons of proven professional or business competence as known to a regional organiser or on account of established reputation.
The Board shall work closely with the National Administrator and National Treasurer and the Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the National Executive Council.
In the event of a trustee retiring, dying, being adjudged bankrupt or being convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty, such trustee shall be replaced by a new trustee from within the party membership.
No trustee shall be made liable for any losses incurred during the trusteeship unless the same shall have arisen out of gross negligence or criminal activity, in which case only the trustee responsible, and not that person’s co-trustees, shall be accountable in any action brought for breach of trust.
Party Funds
The central funds of the party shall be administered by the National Treasurer, who shall be responsible for keeping regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and submitting to the relevant authorities as required under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendum Act 2000 (“the PPERA”). All cheques disbursed from central funds shall bear the signature of the National Treasurer and the National Administrator. No signatures may be placed on cheques until after the details of the amount being paid and the payee’s name have been recorded on the cheque itself.
The funds of all regions, branches and groups shall be administered by the Deputy National Treasurer in a single regional account. The Deputy Treasurer, to be appointed by the National Treasurer with the approval of the Chairman and National Executive Council, shall keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure within each region and shall submit to the relevant authorities all records required under PPERA.
All cheques paid out from regional funds must bear the signatures of the Deputy Treasurer and regional fundholder.
The National Treasurer shall inspect all regional party funds from time to time, on giving reasonable notice of intention to do so, for the purposes of ensuring conformity. In the event of a branch or group becoming disbanded for any reason, all monies and financial books and records shall be passed into the custody and control of the regional treasurer.
Fund Raising
The party recognises the usefulness of a fundraiser and therefore endorses the value of a professional relationship with any individual, body of persons or consultancy able to fulfil this function. The party’s relationship with such fundraiser should be that of principal and agent. At all times the fundraiser should keep the National Administrator, National Treasurer and Board of Trustees fully informed of fundraising projects and activities. For this purpose, meetings of the above-named parties and, where appropriate, the Party Chairman should be convened to set targets and establish criteria for producing mutually beneficial results.
A fundraiser shall receive a commission for work undertaken on behalf of the party, which will be contractually established and noted in the accounting books of the party. Any salary to be paid in addition shall be secondary and of little more than nominal value, to be determined by the National Treasurer and National Administrator.
Indemnity for Party Officials
All designated officers of the party shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the central funds of the party against all losses and liabilities sustained or incurred by them in the bona-fide exercise of their duties provided that a full statement of the losses and liabilities is placed with the Board of Trustees for their verification and approval. A certificate to such effect shall be placed with the Chairman and National Administrator who shall endorse the certificate as a matter of due administration which is not then open to challenge by any member of the party.
Statements to Media
All statements to the media shall be made through the office of the National Administrator, who may designate for the purpose a suitable person to act as Press Officer, or, at local level, by an accredited regional press officer. No individual member, unless by prior authorisation from the National Administrator, may be interviewed by or give a statement to news media outlets on matters internal to their own region. That stated, a party elected representative may give interviews to local media outlets on issues relating to that person’s political work.
Disciplinary Procedures
The party embraces the concept of a Code of Conduct regulated by a three-stage process, according to the seriousness of the alleged offence: reprimand, suspension and dismissal. If a member is considered to have breached the code the member concerned will be sent a written reprimand by the regional organiser of the area in which the member lives.
A copy of such reprimand shall be submitted within seven days to the National Administrator who will then, in the first instance, seek to effect a conciliation. If that is successful the matter rests; in the event of it not being settled the matter shall not be pursued after the elapse of two months provided that no further instance of breach of association rules shall have occurred in the meantime. A second reprimand shall lead to automatic suspension, upon which event the member has a right of appeal within fourteen days of suspension to the National Administrator whose adjudication shall be final. If the suspension is confirmed the member is suspended from the party for a period of six months after which period the member’s rights shall be fully restored.
In the event of a breach of party rules, adjudged by the National Administrator, after discussion with the appropriate regional organiser, to be a serious offence, the member shall be required to appear before a party disciplinary tribunal at which the member may be represented for the purpose of the hearing, if he or she so wishes. According to standard tribunal practice, all arguments, both for and against expulsion, shall be heard before the Disciplinary Committee, as constituted.
If the member is found guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the party the member shall then be expelled and not be permitted to re-apply for membership until two years have elapsed. If the member is acquitted of wrongdoing full rights shall be restored to that member with immediate effect.
Elections to the Party Leadership
Elections for the post of National Chairman shall be held alternate years. Nominations shall open on 20th July in the relevant year and close at noon on 10th August. The election shall be held on a “one member, one vote” basis in a secret postal ballot of all members paid up by 1st July.
No member of the party may become a candidate for the post of National Chairman unless that person is and has been on or before the close of nominations, a fully paid-up member of the party for a minimum of two consecutive years and has secured the signatures on his or her nomination papers of 150 members who have a minimum of 18 months’ continuous membership, with no more than 20 signatures being obtained from any one region, as defined in the party structures. No member may nominate more than one candidate. On 1st July each year a statement shall be issued detailing the total number of members with at least 18 months’ continuous membership. Candidates and campaign managers will be issued with a list of such members in electronic format subject to signing a Data Protection Act declaration
Notification of a leadership election shall be issued in the September issue of British Nationalist and the October issue shall include an A4 manifesto sheet from each candidate (designed and supplied by them) and a ballot paper. These will be sent by post to all members, including those who normally receive their bulletins electronically.
A pre-recorded debate between the candidates shall be publicised on BNPtv. A dedicated page on the BNP website will give each candidate up to six sides of A4 designed by them. ‘Voice of Freedom’ shall give each candidate equal space to set out their programme. At least three hustings meetings shall be held, equal time being given for each candidate in different parts of the country which shall be open to all paid-up members from the areas in question. In the event that unavoidable external circumstances render any of these methods of communication impossible or impracticable they may be replaced as decided by majority vote of a special meeting of the National Executive Council.
The ballot papers shall be kept unopened until the post has arrived on the third Thursday of October, when all received ballots shall be opened and counted under the supervision of two senior officials appointed by the National Executive Council who are not candidates, together with the candidates and up to two scrutineers each.
The election shall take place on a first past the post basis.
In any relevant year in which no nominations for the post of National Chairman of the party are received, the currently serving holder of the post will be deemed to have received a mandate from the party to hold it for a further term. In any year where no leadership challenge is entered, the currently serving National Chairman will be deemed to be nominated automatically should he wish to stand again.
In the event of a General Election being called before the ballot papers have been posted, the campaign may be suspended at the discretion of the National Executive Council by a simple majority vote, the schedule being resumed immediately after polling day.
The successful candidate in any such election shall be considered as occupying the office of National Chairman as from completion of the counting of votes in that election.
No organisational or structural changes within the party may be made without approval of the party’s members as convened under procedures governing the conduct of an Extraordinary General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
In the event of illness or disability of any officer any function currently performed may be exercised by another member under such terms and conditions jointly agreed between the Chairman and National Administrator and endorsed by the National Executive Council, if necessary by majority vote.
Voting Members
The party endorses the concept of a “voting member”. The rules and procedures relative thereto shall be established by the Chairman and National Administrator and published in the party bulletin and on the website.
This constitution shall come into effect on ……….. day of …………. 2010 and supersedes all earlier constitutions which shall hereby become null, void and of no effect.
Party Name
The party’s official designation is “The British National Party” (also known as “the B.N.P.”) Its status is that of an unincorporated association comprising all persons who have lawfully become members of the party and who are pledged to carry out, through their membership, the party’s aims and objectives. Each member on joining agrees to be bound by the terms of this constitution, including the respecting of the contractual rights and liberties of other members.
Political Objectives
The party’s political philosophy is rooted in the ideology of nationalism which is the translation into effective action of patriotic sentiment, love of country and the preservation of our ancestral homeland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is the unshakeable conviction of a British nationalist that the territorial integrity of the homeland is sacrosanct and that all policies, economic, social and foreign policy shall be conceived and maintained in the spirit of that conviction.
The principles of self-determination and non-intervention in the affairs of independent states (unless a proven British national interest is involved) shall be the necessary, if not the sufficient, condition of our involvement in the political process.
The party believes that economic prosperity and stability is best achieved through a predominantly private enterprise-based economy but within a framework of regulatory state intervention where necessary to eliminate cartels, restrictive practices and monopoly capitalism. In particular, we oppose unchecked free movement of labour and capital across national boundaries where it threatens the employment and well-being of our own nationals.
Specifically, our party asserts that finance shall exist to serve the nation, its industries and businesses and not to act as their masters.
Our party believes in a productive partnership of capital and labour, efficient management and a trade union movement responsive to its members’ collective bargaining interest in fair wages and good working conditions.
In international affairs, our party endorses the need for maximum international co-operation between states and the reciprocity principle of ambassadorship, including Britain’s membership of the United Nations (albeit under a reformed charter) but we firmly reject the doctrine of internationalism which, as a political construct, we hold to be in antithesis to nationalism and national preference.
Party Structure
The party believes firmly in the principles of representative democracy, embracing acceptance of the widest possible participation by its members in the party’s activities. We assert that our growth and development can therefore best be achieved by a “bottoms-up” rather than a “tops-down” approach through the promotion of local activism on the widest possible scale in all regions of our country.
These principles are reflected in the organigram set down herewith in this Constitution. In replacement of earlier constitutional arrangements the party’s governance shall be vested in a body to be known as the National Executive Council (N.E.C.)
The N.E.C. shall consist of the Party Chairman and all members of a Political Committee and an Administration Committee. The former shall comprise the following: the Party Chairman (who shall chair the Political Committee’s meetings), Deputy Chairman, National Organiser, Elections Officer, Nominating Officer, Publications Officer, Regional Organisers (up to 12 in number), Portfolio Holders (comprising between 8-10 persons), Young B.N.P. Chairman, Councillor representatives (up to three in number) and MPs/MEPs, such as shall have been elected.
The Political Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year and its minutes shall be available to all members on request.
The Administration Committee shall comprise the following: a National Administrator (who shall chair the meetings of the Administration Committee), National Treasurer, Regional/Deputy Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Web Manager, Chairman of Board of Trustees, National Fundraiser, and co-opted members (up to four in number).
The Administration Committee shall meet a minimum of four times a year and its minutes shall be available to all members on request.
As per the organigram below, portfolio holders will be members who are responsible for research and political development in the main areas of the party’s programme. Their function is to work closely with the party chairman and to provide specific and high quality policy formulation to advance the party’s profile.
Office of Chairman
The Party Chairman, who is also the Party Leader, is the senior political officer of the party by virtue of the confidence reposed in him or her by the party’s members through election. As such, the Chairman has executive powers over the conduct of the party’s political programme and activities but not so as to derogate from powers vested by the Constitution in other officers of the party. The Chairman and National Administrator, who is the party’s principal administration officer, shall at all times and whenever possible work in co-operation with each other in the best interests of the party.
Party Organisation
The nationwide administrative organisation of the party shall be settled on a geographical basis into regions. All branches, groups and contacts within a specific region shall be administered by that region and no other.
Each party region shall consist of a county or group of counties and within such party region branches, groups and contacts shall be based as a matter of administrative convenience on cities, towns and, where appropriate, parliamentary constituencies.
Branch organisers, group organisers and contacts shall be appointed and answerable to their respective regional organiser. Each regional organiser shall be appointed by and be answerable to the National Administrator.
Branch organisers and group organisers shall have full executive powers over the affairs of their branches and groups. All branches shall have a fundholder to be appointed by the National Treasurer to whom such fundholder is answerable.
The elevation of contact designation to group status, or group to branch status shall be the responsibility of the regional organiser.
Party Membership
Membership is open to all individuals who support the principles of our party and who wish to advance its objectives. An applicant for membership must be over the age of 16 and may not belong to another political party.
Upon admission to membership an individual acquires such rights and assumes such obligations as are consistent with the proper functioning of an unincorporated association, including the exercise at all times of good faith, and respect towards other members.
In the event of a member engaging in activities prejudicial to the good name of the party it will be open to the National Administrator, on submission from the relevant regional organiser, to remit such matter to the Disciplinary Committee for an opinion as to continued membership or suspension from membership. If a member is required to leave the party no part of any subscription already paid is refundable. Any period of suspension shall be discounted in assessing any period of ‘continuous membership’ for the purposes of this constitution.
An individual may resign membership by letter in writing to the National Administrator or simply by not renewing membership in the following year.
Individual membership subscriptions shall be set at a rate to be agreed by the National Executive Council on recommendation made by the National Treasurer. In the event of disagreement amongst the Executive Council the rate shall be determined by simple majority vote.
No party member shall be liable for any debts or liabilities incurred in good faith and in pursuance of the party’s activities beyond the amount of that member’s subscription in the year in which such debts or liabilities were duly incurred. Nor may any party member be held accountable for the debts and liabilities of any other member of the party, or of the party itself.
Board of Trustees
The legal title to all the party’s assets shall be vested in a board of trustees which, in accordance with statute law, shall consist of not more than four persons. The Board’s function shall be to ensure that any capital receipts from donations, legacies and bequests made to the party are productively invested for the benefit of the party and that all capital expenditures are made with a view to obtaining the best possible appreciation of capital while ensuring a reasonable income from such investment. The Board of Trustees shall, at all times, keep a recognised simple accounting system.
The Board should give due and proper consideration to any request by the Chairman as to the allocation of capital monies but they should at all times act independently and not be constrained to accede to such request.
Only party members are eligible to become members of the Board of Trustees and should comprise persons of proven professional or business competence as known to a regional organiser or on account of established reputation.
The Board shall work closely with the National Administrator and National Treasurer and the Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the National Executive Council.
In the event of a trustee retiring, dying, being adjudged bankrupt or being convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty, such trustee shall be replaced by a new trustee from within the party membership.
No trustee shall be made liable for any losses incurred during the trusteeship unless the same shall have arisen out of gross negligence or criminal activity, in which case only the trustee responsible, and not that person’s co-trustees, shall be accountable in any action brought for breach of trust.
Party Funds
The central funds of the party shall be administered by the National Treasurer, who shall be responsible for keeping regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and submitting to the relevant authorities as required under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendum Act 2000 (“the PPERA”). All cheques disbursed from central funds shall bear the signature of the National Treasurer and the National Administrator. No signatures may be placed on cheques until after the details of the amount being paid and the payee’s name have been recorded on the cheque itself.
The funds of all regions, branches and groups shall be administered by the Deputy National Treasurer in a single regional account. The Deputy Treasurer, to be appointed by the National Treasurer with the approval of the Chairman and National Executive Council, shall keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure within each region and shall submit to the relevant authorities all records required under PPERA.
All cheques paid out from regional funds must bear the signatures of the Deputy Treasurer and regional fundholder.
The National Treasurer shall inspect all regional party funds from time to time, on giving reasonable notice of intention to do so, for the purposes of ensuring conformity. In the event of a branch or group becoming disbanded for any reason, all monies and financial books and records shall be passed into the custody and control of the regional treasurer.
Fund Raising
The party recognises the usefulness of a fundraiser and therefore endorses the value of a professional relationship with any individual, body of persons or consultancy able to fulfil this function. The party’s relationship with such fundraiser should be that of principal and agent. At all times the fundraiser should keep the National Administrator, National Treasurer and Board of Trustees fully informed of fundraising projects and activities. For this purpose, meetings of the above-named parties and, where appropriate, the Party Chairman should be convened to set targets and establish criteria for producing mutually beneficial results.
A fundraiser shall receive a commission for work undertaken on behalf of the party, which will be contractually established and noted in the accounting books of the party. Any salary to be paid in addition shall be secondary and of little more than nominal value, to be determined by the National Treasurer and National Administrator.
Indemnity for Party Officials
All designated officers of the party shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the central funds of the party against all losses and liabilities sustained or incurred by them in the bona-fide exercise of their duties provided that a full statement of the losses and liabilities is placed with the Board of Trustees for their verification and approval. A certificate to such effect shall be placed with the Chairman and National Administrator who shall endorse the certificate as a matter of due administration which is not then open to challenge by any member of the party.
Statements to Media
All statements to the media shall be made through the office of the National Administrator, who may designate for the purpose a suitable person to act as Press Officer, or, at local level, by an accredited regional press officer. No individual member, unless by prior authorisation from the National Administrator, may be interviewed by or give a statement to news media outlets on matters internal to their own region. That stated, a party elected representative may give interviews to local media outlets on issues relating to that person’s political work.
Disciplinary Procedures
The party embraces the concept of a Code of Conduct regulated by a three-stage process, according to the seriousness of the alleged offence: reprimand, suspension and dismissal. If a member is considered to have breached the code the member concerned will be sent a written reprimand by the regional organiser of the area in which the member lives.
A copy of such reprimand shall be submitted within seven days to the National Administrator who will then, in the first instance, seek to effect a conciliation. If that is successful the matter rests; in the event of it not being settled the matter shall not be pursued after the elapse of two months provided that no further instance of breach of association rules shall have occurred in the meantime. A second reprimand shall lead to automatic suspension, upon which event the member has a right of appeal within fourteen days of suspension to the National Administrator whose adjudication shall be final. If the suspension is confirmed the member is suspended from the party for a period of six months after which period the member’s rights shall be fully restored.
In the event of a breach of party rules, adjudged by the National Administrator, after discussion with the appropriate regional organiser, to be a serious offence, the member shall be required to appear before a party disciplinary tribunal at which the member may be represented for the purpose of the hearing, if he or she so wishes. According to standard tribunal practice, all arguments, both for and against expulsion, shall be heard before the Disciplinary Committee, as constituted.
If the member is found guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the party the member shall then be expelled and not be permitted to re-apply for membership until two years have elapsed. If the member is acquitted of wrongdoing full rights shall be restored to that member with immediate effect.
Elections to the Party Leadership
Elections for the post of National Chairman shall be held alternate years. Nominations shall open on 20th July in the relevant year and close at noon on 10th August. The election shall be held on a “one member, one vote” basis in a secret postal ballot of all members paid up by 1st July.
No member of the party may become a candidate for the post of National Chairman unless that person is and has been on or before the close of nominations, a fully paid-up member of the party for a minimum of two consecutive years and has secured the signatures on his or her nomination papers of 150 members who have a minimum of 18 months’ continuous membership, with no more than 20 signatures being obtained from any one region, as defined in the party structures. No member may nominate more than one candidate. On 1st July each year a statement shall be issued detailing the total number of members with at least 18 months’ continuous membership. Candidates and campaign managers will be issued with a list of such members in electronic format subject to signing a Data Protection Act declaration
Notification of a leadership election shall be issued in the September issue of British Nationalist and the October issue shall include an A4 manifesto sheet from each candidate (designed and supplied by them) and a ballot paper. These will be sent by post to all members, including those who normally receive their bulletins electronically.
A pre-recorded debate between the candidates shall be publicised on BNPtv. A dedicated page on the BNP website will give each candidate up to six sides of A4 designed by them. ‘Voice of Freedom’ shall give each candidate equal space to set out their programme. At least three hustings meetings shall be held, equal time being given for each candidate in different parts of the country which shall be open to all paid-up members from the areas in question. In the event that unavoidable external circumstances render any of these methods of communication impossible or impracticable they may be replaced as decided by majority vote of a special meeting of the National Executive Council.
The ballot papers shall be kept unopened until the post has arrived on the third Thursday of October, when all received ballots shall be opened and counted under the supervision of two senior officials appointed by the National Executive Council who are not candidates, together with the candidates and up to two scrutineers each.
The election shall take place on a first past the post basis.
In any relevant year in which no nominations for the post of National Chairman of the party are received, the currently serving holder of the post will be deemed to have received a mandate from the party to hold it for a further term. In any year where no leadership challenge is entered, the currently serving National Chairman will be deemed to be nominated automatically should he wish to stand again.
In the event of a General Election being called before the ballot papers have been posted, the campaign may be suspended at the discretion of the National Executive Council by a simple majority vote, the schedule being resumed immediately after polling day.
The successful candidate in any such election shall be considered as occupying the office of National Chairman as from completion of the counting of votes in that election.
No organisational or structural changes within the party may be made without approval of the party’s members as convened under procedures governing the conduct of an Extraordinary General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
In the event of illness or disability of any officer any function currently performed may be exercised by another member under such terms and conditions jointly agreed between the Chairman and National Administrator and endorsed by the National Executive Council, if necessary by majority vote.
Voting Members
The party endorses the concept of a “voting member”. The rules and procedures relative thereto shall be established by the Chairman and National Administrator and published in the party bulletin and on the website.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Official Central Policy Unit Proposals
Voting members will get a chance to vote on the constitutional recommendations formulated by the Policy Committee at the Annual Conference of the British National Party which is due to be held on 10th-12th December 2010.
This follows work done on this issue since August, when I and fellow members of the Policy Committee were asked by the Chairman and Advisory Council to carry out a consultation of the membership about possible changes to the Constitution, with particular reference to two areas.
This was the governance of the Party nationally; and the rules for internal elections.
Our alternative recommendations, together with one drawn up by our Party Chairman, will be considered by eligible members at conference, and I would urge people to attend.
In the end, the Policy Committee is suggesting two distinct sets of proposals called:
Option Two (fairly modest reforms); and
Option Three (more far reaching reforms).
Option One would be to leave the present Constitution as it stands.
We suggest that the order in which members should be asked to express their opinions would be the most far-reaching first (Option Three), followed by the next most far-reaching (Option Two), followed by a proposal to leave the Constitution as it stands (Option One).
If Option Three is approved, the others fall. If Option Three is rejected but Option Two is approved then Option One falls. If both Option Three and Option Two are rejected, there should be a vote on Option One (leave the Constitution as it stands). If Options Three, Two and One are rejected, then I think that the Conference should be invited to vote on a motion to refer the matter back to the Policy Committee for further consideration.
I would ask you to view the proposals flexibly. It is unlikely that you will approve of everything in Option Three, Option Two or Option One (the present Constitution). I would ask you to vote for the option that accords most with your ideas. It would still be possible to make further amendments in subsequent years.
Andrew Brons
Central Policy Unit - November 2010
The Party shall be governed by the directly elected Party Leader advised and assisted by a directly but separately elected Executive Council of eight members.
The electorate for the Executive Council shall comprise Voting Members, voting by secret ballot. Nomination of Executive Council Members, who must be Voting Members, shall be by 20 Voting Members in writing. Canvassing for nominations is permitted. Sitting members standing for re-election shall be deemed validly nominated ex officio. The Executive Council shall be elected annually.
The Leader shall be subject to an election if challenged or in the event of his or her resignation, death or incapacity to continue in office, the latter certified by unanimous vote of all members of the Executive Council. Challengers must be Voting Members and must be nominated by 100 Voting Members. The Party Leader shall be deemed nominated, if willing to stand, automatically ex officio. Normally these elections shall coincide with the annual Executive Council elections, but if the Executive Council carry a vote of No Confidence in the Leader by a vote of three-quarters of all its current members an election for both the Leader and the Council shall follow as soon as practicable, as shall be the case if an Annual Conference so votes by a 2/3 majority of Voting Members present. The Leader cannot otherwise be removed from office without ratification by a ballot of the Voting Members and nor can the leader expel or suspend from office any elected member of the Executive Council. The Executive Council may not suspend or expel any of its own members, although it may by a vote carried by three-quarters of all its members trigger an election of the Executive Council as a whole and thereby compel its members to stand for re-election along with any new candidates who may be nominated. The Leader may also dissolve the Executive Council and compel its members to stand for re-election along with any new candidates validly nominated. Further, if the leader should dissolve the Executive Council, he will also trigger a leadership election.
The Executive Council and Party Leader shall meet normally monthly,. Each member, including the Leader, shall have one vote, but the Leader, as ex officio Chairman of the Executive Council, shall have an additional casting vote in the event of an equality of votes. The Leader shall have day to day authority for managing the Party and shall have ultimate authority over and responsibility for governing and running the Party and determining Party Policy, approving Manifestoes, managing financial affairs and so on. Votes and deliberations of the Executive Council shall serve to advise the Party Leader, but he is not bound to abide thereby should he or she decide otherwise. The Party Leader shall have final authority over the operation and governance of the Party, subject to this Constitution.
The Executive Council shall be responsible for monitoring and confirming by report to each Annual Conference that the Party is run according to the law, and in particular that Party Accounts have been submitted to the relevant authorities in good order and in good time in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law. Responsibility for running the Party and its financial affairs, complying with legal requirements etc. shall lie entirely with the Party Leader. The Executive Council shall only be responsible for monitoring and reporting on these matters. The Executive Council shall report in writing to the Annual Conference as to the proper conduct and running of the Party, or otherwise, such report to be made available to all Voting Members attending this Conference.
Executive Departments, as defined by the Leader advised by the Executive Council, such as Organisation, Publicity, Elections, Fund-Raising, Finance/Treasurer, Policy & Internal Education, and also the Editors of Party publications shall report to the Leader and the Executive Council. Executive Departments may, but need not, be headed by Executive Council members or the Party Leader, who may also discharge other Party offices.
The Leader, advised by the Executive Council, shall initially and once only appoint a Voting Member of sufficient standing and record of service as to command widespread respect within the Party as Party President.
The Party President shall be appointed for life or until resignation unless successfully challenged for office. Such challenges will require the nomination by 10% of the total Voting Membership of a Voting Member as a rival candidate, and the same rules shall apply for candidates nominated in the event of the death or resignation of the President. Presidential Elections should wherever practicable coincide with annual Executive elections, although the Leader may at his or her discretion conduct such elections at other times.
The role of the Party President shall be
(i) to ensure that the roll of Voting Members is kept in an accurate and up-to-date manner in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(ii) To oversee the conduct of internal elections and ensure they are carried out in accordance with the Constitution. He or she may appoint a Returning Officer answerable to him or her for this purpose. The certification of the President that the election was validly and properly conducted shall be a requirement for a valid election to have occurred.
(iii) To monitor internal debate, particularly in the course of internal elections, and ensure it remains within bounds which will not bring the Party into disrepute. The President may advise the Leader to take disciplinary action against those concerned if his or her admonitions be not heeded.
(iv) To act as an ombudsman to assist in the resolution of disputes within the Party and to hear, in confidence if deemed necessary, grievances and concerns of members and assist in their resolution.
(v) Generally to advise and assist in sustaining standards of fairness and avoidance of harm to the Party’s reputation in the conduct of its internal affairs.
The President may be invited to attend and advise at meetings of the Executive Council at its discretion but shall not have a vote at such meetings. The President shall be invited to attend and advise at meetings of the Advisory Council.
Regional Organisers shall be appointed by the Party Leader, with advice from the Executive Council. They shall each govern each Region as the Chairman of a Regional Executive comprising representatives from the constituent Branches and other units in the Region. The Regional Organiser shall have final operational authority for running their Region but shall be advised by the Regional Executive.
Branch and other local unit Organisers shall be appointed, or their election by their unit subject to approval and ratification, by the Regional Organiser. Each Branch or other local unit shall be governed by a committee elected by paid-up members of the unit. Whilst only Voting Members are eligible to hold Branch or other Party offices, all paid-up Party members can vote in local unit committee elections. The local unit shall determine the size and responsibilities of its committee, subject to ratification and possible amendment by the Regional Organiser. Additionally, the requirement that all unit offices be held by Voting Members may be waived temporarily by the Regional Organiser or Party Leader in the case of units not yet possessed of sufficient Voting Members to fill the necessary positions. However non-Voting Members so elected would be expected to qualify for Voting Membership as soon as reasonably practicable.
Superior executive bodies shall have the right to dissolve inferior ones reporting to them in the event of misconduct and/or incompetence, appointing new organisers and calling new elections. They shall also have the authority to establish, set the boundaries of, and disestablish such inferior bodies. E.g. the Party Leader has the power to determine the number of and areas covered by Regions, and Branches within Regions, whilst Regional Executives can do likewise for Branches and other local units within their jurisdictions.
A National Advisory Council comprising all Regional Organisers, Executive Department Heads, National Officials e.g. the Party Treasurer and publication editors, plus the Party Leader, the Executive Council and any other persons the Leader shall see fit to invite shall meet at least twice and preferably four times annually to discuss strategic and broader issues. The results of such discussions and any votes taken shall be advisory but not binding on the Leadership.
An Annual Party Conference shall be held once in each calendar year at which all Voting Members may attend and vote. Ordinary Members may attend but not vote. Changes to this Constitution may only be effected by a two-thirds majority vote of the Voting Members at an Annual Conference. A two-thirds majority of the Voting Members present at an Annual Conference, sobeit their number comprises at least 40% of the total Voting Membership, may by resolution dissolve the Executive Council and force an election of its members, and additionally, if a rival candidate or candidate then be validly nominated, the Party Leader.
Policy Resolutions adopted by the Annual Conference shall be advisory but not binding on the Party.
Voting Members shall from the implementation of this Constitution comprise all persons who have been paid-up Members of the Party in good standing for the past two years continuously.
Within 12 months after the initial implementation of this Constitution, the following further requirements shall be enforced on Voting Members, and shall thereafter be in force in addition to the requirement for 24 months of membership. They shall have successfully completed a course of instruction in Party ideology and policy according to such rules as may from time to time be laid down by the Leader, or have been granted specific personal exemption, in exceptional cases, from that requirement by the Leader, and shall in addition have been certified by their local unit or in exceptional cases directly by the Leader as active Party members of good character. If a potential Voting Member feels that such a certificate has been unreasonably withheld by their local unit they may appeal to the relevant Regional Executive and thence to the Party Leader, whose decision shall be final.
The maintenance of an accurate and up-to-date register of Voting Members shall be the responsibility of the Party President, exercised through appropriate subsidiary department/officers. Only Voting Members shall be permitted to see or have access to or custody of any Party membership lists, national or local, and divulging the contents of such lists to anyone not themselves a Voting Member, without explicit permission of all the members concerned or a Court Order of which the Party Leader has been made aware and with which he or she has authorised compliance, shall be a serious disciplinary offence.
Superior executive bodies shall have the right to initiate disciplinary action against members of inferior ones reporting to them, and against Voting and Ordinary Members in their areas of responsibility in the event of misconduct, defined as any action likely to bring the party into disrepute or deliberately and improperly obstruct its normal and proper operation, the latter including wilfully refusing to obey the reasonable and lawful instructions of superior Party authority to refrain from a particular conduct, speech or action deemed by that superior harmful to the Party.
Internal debate and dissent, and campaigning for election to office within the Party, conducted in a temperate and responsible manner not lowering the Party in public repute or making public confidential internal information shall not per se be an occasion of disciplinary action, in conformance with our principles of freedom of speech and internal democracy.
Members subject to disciplinary action must be informed in writing of the allegations against them in reasonable time to defend themselves, and must be tried by a Disciplinary Tribunal appointed by the relevant Regional Executive or the Party Leader, comprised of Voting Members who are as far as possible uninvolved in the matters concerning their Tribunal and likely to be impartial. The Rules of fairness and Natural Justice shall be followed throughout, and right of appeal against the Tribunal’s decisions shall exist for any member to the Party Leader.
Pending a disciplinary hearing, members may be suspended from Party office and barred from attending Party meetings and activities, but Voting Members shall retain rights to vote and nominate candidates for national, regional and local office until and unless expelled by a Tribunal.
Changes to this Constitution may only be made by a vote of 60% of Voting Members present at an Annual Conference.
Central Policy Unit - November 2010
The Party shall be governed by a National Executive, comprising the directly elected Party Leader and a directly but separately elected Executive Council of eight members.
The electorate for the Executive Council and Party Leader shall comprise Voting Members only, voting by secret ballot. Nomination of Executive Council Members, who must be Voting Members, shall be by 20 Voting Members in writing. Canvassing for nominations is permitted. Sitting members, standing for re-election shall be deemed validly nominated ex officio. The Executive Council shall be elected annually.
The Leader shall be subject to an election if challenged, or in the event of his or her resignation, death or incapacity to continue in office, the latter certified by the unanimous vote of all current members of the Executive Council. Challengers must be Voting Members and must be nominated by 100 Voting Members. The Party Leader shall be deemed nominated, if willing to stand, automatically ex officio. Normally these elections shall coincide with the annual Executive Council elections, but if the Executive Council carry by a three-quarters majority of all its current members a vote of No Confidence in the Leader an election for both the Leader and the Council shall follow as soon as practicable, as shall be the case if an Annual Conference so votes by a 2/3 majority of Voting Members present. The Leader cannot otherwise be removed from office without ratification by a ballot of the Voting Members and nor can the leader expel or suspend from office any elected member of the National Executive. The National Executive may not suspend or expel any of its own members, although it may by a majority vote of three-quarters of its current members trigger an election of the National Executive and thereby compel its members to stand for re-election along with any new candidates who may be nominated.
The National Executive shall meet normally monthly, and shall have joint and collective responsibility for governing and running the Party and determining Party Policy, approving Manifestoes, managing financial affairs and so on. Each member, including the Leader, shall have one vote, but the Leader, as Chairman of the National Executive, shall have an additional casting vote in the event of an equality of votes. The quorum at National Executive meetings shall be attendance by at least 50% of its members, and all members shall be advised, in writing by post or e-mail acknowledged as received by the addressee, at least 48 hours in advance of the date and venue of meetings.
The Leader shall have day to day authority over the Party when for reasons of time consultation with the rest of the National Executive is not practicable, but is answerable to, and his/her decisions taken alone must where relevant be ratified, and if practicable may be reversed, by the National Executive. The leader may not commit the Party to expenditure beyond a limit to be laid down by the National Executive without the prior authorisation of the National Executive. Nor should the Leader take major decisions, e.g. whether a bye-election should be contested, without the agreement of the rest of the National Executive unless this cannot be secured in time. In urgent situations a vote of the National Executive may be conducted over the telephone or by e-mail. Votes over the telephone should be confirmed in writing subsequently by those involved.
The National Executive, comprising Leader and Executive Council, shall have final authority over and responsibility for the operation and governance of the Party, subject to this Constitution.
The National Executive shall be responsible for ensuring that the Party is run according to the law, and in particular for ensuring that Party Accounts are submitted to the relevant authorities in good order and in good time in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law.
Executive Departments, as defined by the National Executive, such as Organisation, Publicity, Elections, Fund-Raising, Finance/Treasurer, Policy & Internal Education, and also the Editors of Party publications shall report to the National Executive. Executive Departments may, but need not, be headed by National Executive members, who may also discharge other Party offices.
The National Executive shall initially and once only appoint a Voting Member of sufficient standing and record of service as to command widespread respect within the Party as Party President.
The Party President shall be appointed for life or until resignation unless successfully challenged for office. Such challenges will require the nomination by 10% of the total Voting Membership of a Voting Member as a rival candidate, and the same rules shall apply for candidates nominated in the event of the death or resignation of the President. Presidential Elections should wherever practicable coincide with annual Executive elections, although the National Executive may at its discretion conduct such elections at other times.
The role of the Party President shall be
(i) to ensure that the roll of Voting Members is kept in an accurate and up-to-date manner in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(ii) To oversee the conduct of internal elections and ensure they are carried out in accordance with the Constitution. He or she may appoint a Returning Officer answerable to them for this purpose. The certification of the President that the election was validly and properly conducted shall be a requirement for a valid election to have occurred.
(iii) To monitor internal debate, particularly in the course of internal elections, and ensure it remains within bounds which will not bring the Party into disrepute. The President may advise the National Executive to take disciplinary action against those concerned if his or her admonitions be not heeded.
(iv) To act as an ombudsman to assist in the resolution of disputes within the Party and to hear, in confidence if deemed necessary, grievances and concerns of members and assist in their resolution.
(v) Generally to advise and assist in sustaining standards of fairness and avoidance of harm to the Party’s reputation in the conduct of its internal affairs.
The President may be invited to attend and advise at meetings of the National Executive at its discretion but shall not have a vote at such meetings. The President shall be invited to attend and advise at meetings of the Advisory Council.
Regional Organisers shall be appointed by the National Executive. They shall each govern each Region as the Chairman of a Regional Executive comprising representatives from the constituent Branches and other units in the Region. The Regional Organiser shall have day-to-day operational authority for running their Region but shall be answerable to the Regional Executive.
Branch and other local unit Organisers shall be appointed, or their election by their unit subject to approval and ratification, by the Regional Executive. Each Branch or other local unit shall be governed by a committee elected by paid-up members of the unit. Whilst only Voting Members are eligible to hold Branch or other Party offices, all paid-up Party members can vote in local unit committee elections. The local unit shall determine the size and responsibilities of its committee, subject to ratification and possible amendment by the Regional Executive. Additionally, the requirement that all unit offices be held by Voting Members may be waived temporarily by the Regional Executive or National Executive in the case of units not yet possessed of sufficient Voting Members to fill the necessary positions. However non-Voting Members so elected would be expected to qualify for Voting Membership as soon as reasonably practicable.
Superior executive bodies shall have the right to dissolve inferior ones reporting to them in the event of misconduct and/or incompetence, appointing new organisers and calling new elections. They shall also have the authority to establish, set the boundaries of, and disestablish such inferior bodies. E.g. the National Executive has the power to determine the number of and areas covered by Regions, and Branches within Regions, whilst Regional Executives can do likewise for Branches and other local units within their jurisdictions.
A National Advisory Council comprising all Regional Organisers, Executive Department Heads, National Officials e.g. the Party Treasurer and publication editors, plus the National Executive and any other persons the National Executive shall see fit to invite shall meet at least twice and preferably four times annually to discuss strategic and broader issues. The results of such discussions and any votes taken shall be advisory but not binding on the National Executive.
An Annual Party Conference shall be held once in each calendar year at which all Voting Members may attend and vote. Ordinary Members may attend but not vote. Changes to this Constitution may only be effected by a two-thirds majority vote of the Voting Members at an Annual Conference. A two-thirds majority of the Voting Members present at an Annual Conference, sobeit their number comprises at least 40% of the total Voting Membership, may by resolution dissolve the National Executive and force an election of its members, including the Leader.
Policy Resolutions adopted by the Annual Conference shall be advisory but not binding on the Party.
The Annual Conference shall elect a National Audit Committee of not less than 3 and not more than 5 Voting Members, which shall be responsible for monitoring the accounts and financial affairs of the Party and reporting to the Annual Conference that they have been conducted in an honest and transparent manner, or otherwise. The Party Leader and members of the Executive Council shall not be eligible for membership of this Committee.
Voting Members shall from the implementation of this Constitution comprise all persons who have been paid-up Members of the Party in good standing for the past two years continuously.
Within 12 months after the initial implementation of this Constitution, the following further requirements shall be enforced on Voting Members, and shall thereafter be in force in addition to the requirement for 24 months of membership. They shall have successfully completed a course of instruction in Party ideology and policy according to such rules as may from time to time be laid down by the National Executive, or have been granted specific personal exemption, in exceptional cases, from that requirement by the National Executive, and shall in addition have been certified by their local unit or in exceptional cases directly by the National Executive as active Party members of good character. If a potential Voting Member feels that such a certificate has been unreasonably withheld by their local unit they may appeal to the relevant Regional Executive and thence to the National Executive, whose decision shall be final.
The maintenance of an accurate and up-to-date register of Voting Members shall be the responsibility of the Party President, exercised through appropriate subsidiary department/officers. Only Voting Members shall be permitted to see or have access to or custody of any Party membership lists, national or local, and divulging the contents of such lists to anyone not themselves a Voting Member, without explicit permission of all the members concerned or a Court Order of which the National Executive have been made aware and with which they have authorised compliance, shall be a serious disciplinary offence.
Superior executive bodies shall have the right to initiate disciplinary action against members of inferior ones reporting to them, and against Voting and Ordinary Members in their areas of responsibility in the event of misconduct, defined as any action likely to bring the party into disrepute or deliberately and improperly obstruct its normal and proper operation, the latter including wilfully refusing to obey the reasonable and lawful instructions of superior Party authority to refrain from a particular conduct, speech or action deemed by that superior harmful to the Party.
Internal debate and dissent, and campaigning for election to office within the Party, conducted in a temperate and responsible manner not lowering the Party in public repute or making public confidential internal information shall not per se be an occasion of disciplinary action, in conformance with our principles of freedom of speech and internal democracy.
Members subject to disciplinary action must be informed in writing of the allegations against them in reasonable time to defend themselves, and must be tried by a Disciplinary Tribunal appointed by the relevant Regional or the National Executive, comprised of Voting Members who are as far as possible uninvolved in the matters concerning their Tribunal and likely to be impartial. The Rules of fairness and Natural Justice shall be followed throughout, and right of appeal against the Tribunal’s decisions shall exist for any member to the National Executive.
Pending a disciplinary hearing, members may be suspended from Party office and barred from attending Party meetings and activities, but Voting Members shall retain rights to vote and nominate candidates for national, regional and local office until and unless expelled by a Tribunal.
Changes to this Constitution may only be made by a vote of 60% of Voting Members present at an Annual Conference.
Submission from Claire Khaw
The British National Party is a democratic nationalist party. Nationalism is an ideology of National Interest and British Nationalist Party is the party of the British National Interest.
Nationalism rejects all ideologies that do not serve the long term British National Interest. The Party rejects the incoherent classification of ideologies of the “Right” and “Left” and is only concerned with exhorting what is good and forbidding what is evil, what works and what does not.
Nationalism is in essence pragmatic and responsive to change, and strives to pass on these characteristics to citizens at large, desiring to make them robust, rational and resourceful.
The Nation is necessarily an abstract concept that encompasses the greater good of the greatest number of British citizens, in the long term, and this necessarily requires its political thinkers to think in centuries, not in terms of short-term gains or the narrow self-interest of certain groups.
The Party recognizes that furthering or protecting the interests of a particular group, class, religion or race will be divisive, although it will strive to correct any inequitable inequalities which exist and which cause resentment and strife amongst the peoples of Britain.
All people value liberty and the concomitant of this is personal responsibility. In pursuit of good government, British Nationalism will strive to strike the right balance that will be perceived to be just by the majority.
The Party believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe, and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.
Nationalism rejects all ideologies that do not serve the long term British National Interest. The Party rejects the incoherent classification of ideologies of the “Right” and “Left” and is only concerned with exhorting what is good and forbidding what is evil, what works and what does not.
Nationalism is in essence pragmatic and responsive to change, and strives to pass on these characteristics to citizens at large, desiring to make them robust, rational and resourceful.
The Nation is necessarily an abstract concept that encompasses the greater good of the greatest number of British citizens, in the long term, and this necessarily requires its political thinkers to think in centuries, not in terms of short-term gains or the narrow self-interest of certain groups.
The Party recognizes that furthering or protecting the interests of a particular group, class, religion or race will be divisive, although it will strive to correct any inequitable inequalities which exist and which cause resentment and strife amongst the peoples of Britain.
All people value liberty and the concomitant of this is personal responsibility. In pursuit of good government, British Nationalism will strive to strike the right balance that will be perceived to be just by the majority.
The Party believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe, and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Submission from A. Kemp
Proposed Constitution of the British National Party (3rd Draft: December 2010)
Chapter 1: Name and policy
1.1 The name of this organisation is the “British National Party” (the “Party”).
1.2 The Party’s policy shall be determined by the principles and guidelines laid down by a full and properly constituted Annual General Meeting (the “Conference”).
1.3 Policy decisions taken at the Conference shall be binding unless revoked or amended by subsequent Conferences.
Chapter 2: Party Structure
The party hierarchy will be structured as follows:
2.1 Members
2.2 Local structures (“Contacts”; “Groups”; “Branches”; and “Organisers”);
2.3 Regional structures (“Sub Regional Organisers”; “Regional Councils”; “Regional Organisers”);
2.4 National structures (“National Executive”; “Party Officials”; “Chairman”; “Executive Board”);
2.5 National Leader.
2.6 Details of structure.
2.7 Members. Any British citizen over the age of 16 may join the Party upon completion of a membership application form and payment of membership fees. Party membership may be extended to non-British citizens upon request. The membership fee is determined by the National Executive.
All members are subject to the Code of Conduct (Annexure A).
Party membership lists are to be kept by the Party Chairman and deployed only with his or her consent for the purposes of contacting members on a national or local level.
In this regard, the Party Chairman must keep three sets of lists: (1) those members who have more than three years’ membership; (2) those members who have more than one years’ membership; and (3) all members.
The Party Chairman is empowered to refuse any individual membership application deemed not to be in the interests of the party. This decision must be ratified by the National Executive.
2.8 Local structures.
2.9 Contacts
A “contact” is a person who serves as a primary point of contact for new enquiries or activism in which there are currently no Party groups or branches in existence.
2.10 Groups
A “group” is an organisation of members within a local area of fewer than 10 but more than five individuals. Each group shall elect from its midst, by popular and secret ballot, a group leader and other officials deemed necessary (treasurer etc.).
2.11 Branches
A “branch” is an organisation of members within a local area of more than 10 members, and whose level of activism is deemed sufficiently high by the Regional Organiser to warrant branch status. Each branch shall elect by popular and secret ballot, a branch chairman and other officials deemed necessary (treasurer etc.).
All Groups and Branches have the right to elect, from within their own ranks, new leaders at any time they deem fit.
2.12 Organisers
An “organiser” is appointed by the Regional Organiser in order to kick start or set up a group or branch. An organiser can also be chosen by a group or branch as its group leader or branch chairman.
2.13 Regional Structures
2.14 Sub Regional Organisers
A “sub regional organiser” shall be elected, where practical, in regions too large to be administered by a single regional organiser. The duties of the sub regional organiser include, inter alia, the growth, nurturing, logistical aid, organisation and communication means between the groups and branches and the regional organiser.
The sub-regional organiser will report directly to the regional organiser. Each sub-regional organiser will be elected by popular and secret ballot by the groups and branches within that sub-region.
2.15 Regional Council
A “regional council” is tasked with the coordination, planning, growth, logistical aid, organisation and all other matters pertaining to a particular region. Its members shall consist of:
2.16 The elected chairman and one other member from each Branch;
2.17 The elected chairman of each Group.
2.18 All Regional Councils have the right to elect new officials at any time they deem fit.
2.19 The Regional Council shall be empowered to appoint a regional treasurer, press officer and other officials, not necessarily from within its own ranks. These officials shall sit on the regional council, but will not have voting rights ex officio to elect delegates to the National Executive, unless they themselves are elected branch or group delegates.
2.20 Regional Organiser
A “regional organiser” is tasked with the day-to-day coordination, planning, growth, logistical aid, organisation and all other matters pertaining to the Party in his or her particular region. The regional organiser will be elected by a popular and secret ballot from amongst the members of the regional council.
2.21 National Structure
2.22 The National Executive
2.23 The National Executive is tasked with the running of the party. Its members shall consist of the regional organisers and one other delegate elected from each region by the regional councils.
2.24 The National Executive shall appoint, by popular and secret ballot, from within its own ranks, subcommittees to deal with specific topics, including but not limited to finance, discipline, policy, party structure and constitution, staff appointments, training and education and any other subjects of importance which lies within its powers to determine.
These subcommittees will have advisory ability to the National Executive, whose full vote is required to action any of the suggestions or proposals which are produced by such subcommittees.
2.25 The total membership of the National Executive shall not exceed 37 persons.
2.26 This will allow for a minimum of two delegates from each region, and a further eleven which must consist of the following:
- The Party Chairman;
- The National Leader;
- The National Treasurer;
- The National Nominating Officer.
2.27 The remaining nine persons will be party officials or other individuals, nominated by three subcommittees of the National executive, namely the Staffing Subcommittee, the Finance Subcommittee and the Policy Subcommittee. Each of these three subcommittees can appoint a maximum of three persons to the National Executive.
2.28 The National Executive can meet as often as required, but at a minimum of once every eight weeks.
2.29 For ordinary meetings of the National Executive, a quorum of 60 percent is required.
2.30 Party Officials.
2.31 All Party Officials and staff must be Party members.
2.32 Prospective officials must submit their Curricula Vitae to the subcommittee dealing with staffing for review, and all appointments must ideally be made with due regard to with experience in the role for which the applicant seeks appointment.
2.33 Once the subcommittee tasked with staffing has considered all applications, it must report to the National Executive which must ratify, by popular and secret ballot, any appointments.
2.34 Party Officials will include any offices either required by law (treasurer and nominating officer, with the exception of National Leader) or any others as decided by the National Executive, such as press officer, national organiser, fundraiser etc.
2.35 Party Chairman and Executive Board.
2.36 The National Executive shall elect, not necessarily from within its own ranks, a Party Chairman and an Executive Board. This election will take place by popular and secret ballot.
2.37 The Party Chairman and Executive Board shall have a term of office equivalent to that of the National Leader.
2.38 The Chairman and the Executive Board shall be entrusted with the day-to-day running of the administrative side of the Party, subject to ratification of all their actions by the full National Executive at the earliest feasible opportunity.
2.39 National Leader.
2.40 The National Leader of the Party is entrusted with the guiding the political direction of the movement in its day-to-day interactions with the public, all with the aim of increasing support.
2.41 To this end, the National Leader may appoint spokesmen, based on prior suitable experience, and develop the political theory of the party within the confines of the policy laid down by the Annual General Meeting.
2.42 The National Leader will also sit on the National Executive and Executive Board with full voting rights.
2.43 Election of the National Leader
2.44 The National Leader is elected by a popular and secret ballot amongst Members who have been paid up members for a year or more.
2.45 Eligibility to stand for leadership: In order to qualify to be a candidate for leadership, a member must have more than three years’ continuous membership.
2.46 In addition, a candidate must have obtained at least 100 signatures from members with more than one year’s membership. These 100 signatures must be on an official nomination form which must be available to all potential candidates from the Party Chairman.
2.47 The Party will not provide membership lists to prospective candidates under any circumstances. Candidates will have to use their own resources, such as meetings and appeals, to gather the requisite signatures.
2.48 Election Process
2.49 The Party Chairman shall be Acting Leader of the Party in-between the declaration of a vacancy and the election of a new leader.
2.50 If the Party Chairman is a candidate in the election, the National Executive must elect an Acting Chairman for the interim period.
2.51 Completed official nomination forms must be submitted to the Party Chairman within deadlines specified by the circumstances, but always at least six weeks after the official declaration of a vacancy by the Chairman.
2.52 After checking and verification that all signatures are from members with more than one year’s membership, the Party Chairman shall announce the candidates via all official Party organs.
2.53 All candidates shall have equal time and space allocated to them in all the Party organs. Time and word limits shall be determined by the National Executive, with a guideline of 500 words each for written manifestoes and four minutes each for BNPtv or Radio RWB appearances.
2.54 Once the candidates are declared, all members with one year’s continuous membership shall receive, by mail, a voting ballot with all the names of prospective candidates printed thereon. This shall take place no less than three weeks from the date of the official declaration of candidates by the Party Chairman.
2.55 Prospective candidates may campaign in their own right, by using meetings and websites, on condition that they do not engage in mass email spam which is a breach of the Data Protection Act (in other words, mass emails may only be sent to people who have specifically granted permission thereto) and that no breach of the Code of Conduct (Annexure A) takes place.
2.56 A breach of the Code of Conduct (Annexure A) by any candidate will result in automatic disqualification, a decision which can be taken by the Chairman and Executive Board (excluding, if present, an incumbent standing for election), on condition that it be ratified by an emergency meeting of the National Executive.
2.57 An official can support who they choose. No official can use their position or the data they hold to declare support for any candidate.
2.58 Party members will have two weeks from date of posting of the ballots in which to return the papers marked with their choice. The returned ballots will remain sealed until the two week period is over, whereupon they will be opened and counted in the presence of the candidates and their representatives.
2.59 The candidate with the most popular votes will be declared duly elected and take up the role with immediate effect.
2.60 Election Timeframes and Extraordinary Circumstances
2.61 The position of National Leader shall be valid for four years, subject to the right of recall by the National Executive as outlined below.
2.62 If at the end of this period, no nominations are received, and the incumbent indicates his or her desire to retain the post, he or she will duly be considered to be re-elected unopposed.
2.63 If the National Leader should fall ill, be incapacitated or otherwise be unable to fulfil his or her duties to any reason whatsoever, the Party Chairman, subject to ratification by the National Executive, may declare a vacancy at any time and implement an election procedure subject to the time frames laid out above.
2.64 In exceptional circumstances, the National Leader may be removed from office by a vote of 75 percent of the full National Executive in terms of a no-confidence motion. The quorum required for such a decision is 90 percent.
2.65 In order to ensure that a decision taken in terms of section 2.64 is representative of the majority of the party structure, any National Executive taking such a decision will also instantly be dissolved and will have to seek re-election from its constituent bodies (the Regional Councils).
Chapter 3: The Annual General Meeting (“Conference”)
3.1 The Party must hold an Annual General Meeting (“Conference”) each year during the first week of November. The National Executive has the right to determine precise dates and other arrangements.
3.2 Attendance at the Conference is open to all members, restricted only by space.
3.3 Voting on Conference motions is limited to those members with more than one year’s continuous membership.
3.4 Voting on motions which determine party policy require an 80 percent quorum at the Conference, which in turn must be representative of at least 80 percent of all the active groups and branches.
Chapter 5: Candidate Selection Procedures
5.1 All candidates for local and national elections are to be selected by local organisations.
5.2 The guideline as outlined in paragraph 5.1 can only be interfered with under the following circumstances:
5.3 An 80% quorum of the National Executive agrees to deselect a local candidate after hearing all the details surrounding any such contentious nomination, or
5.4 There is no local organisation capable of choosing a candidate, in which case the Regional Organiser must take on the role of candidate selection.
Chapter 6: Revisions to this Constitution
6.1 Changes to this constitution may only be made by a 75 percent majority vote at the Annual General Meeting (“Conference”) of the Party.
6.2 Such a conference must be representative of at least 80 percent of all active groups and branches.
Code of Conduct (Annexure A)
A.1 Disciplinary Procedure
A.2 All elected Party officials and Party Officers must bring beaches of the code of conduct to the attention of the National Executive’s disciplinary subcommittee within two weeks of the breach occurring.
A.3 The disciplinary subcommittee must immediately make a recommendation to the Party Chairman to either expel or suspend the member in question, subject to appeal, or to place the member on disciplinary charges. All decisions by the Party Chairman in this regard must be ratified by the National Executive.
A.4 The National Executive shall arrange for any hearings or appeals to be heard and concluded within four weeks of any complaint, suspension or expulsion.
A.5 The disciplinary tribunal must consist of the Regional Organiser concerned, and at least two other members appointed by him. The decision of the hearing is final and no appeal is allowed after that.
A.6 If the Regional Organiser is the accused, another Regional Organiser must act in his place.
A.7 Offences.
A.8 No member of the party shall be a member of another political party. No party official may be a member of any other party.
A.9 All Members and Party Officials are obligated to treat all other Members and Party Officials with due courtesy and respect, even in the event of disagreement on fundamental issues.
A.10 All Members agree to abide the majority vote decision of any party body.
A.11 All Members are under an obligation to always act in a way which will not bring the party into disrepute. The National Executive’s disciplinary subcommittee and Party Chairman, subject to ratification by the National Executive, have the right to determine the definition of “disrepute.”
A.12 All Members are obligated to raise concerns on any aspect of Party activity or behaviour in the correct hierarchal channels, either to Group leader, Branch Chairman, Regional Organiser, Regional Council member, National Executive member or Chairman, in that order.
A.13 The distribution, by any electronic or printed means, of dissatisfaction, allegations of any sort, true or false, outside of the official channels, is expressly forbidden. In leadership election challenges, no material which brings the party into disrepute shall be distributed via any of these means.
A.14 All Party Officials are entrusted with access to confidential information and any unauthorised distribution of such material is an offence.
Chapter 1: Name and policy
1.1 The name of this organisation is the “British National Party” (the “Party”).
1.2 The Party’s policy shall be determined by the principles and guidelines laid down by a full and properly constituted Annual General Meeting (the “Conference”).
1.3 Policy decisions taken at the Conference shall be binding unless revoked or amended by subsequent Conferences.
Chapter 2: Party Structure
The party hierarchy will be structured as follows:
2.1 Members
2.2 Local structures (“Contacts”; “Groups”; “Branches”; and “Organisers”);
2.3 Regional structures (“Sub Regional Organisers”; “Regional Councils”; “Regional Organisers”);
2.4 National structures (“National Executive”; “Party Officials”; “Chairman”; “Executive Board”);
2.5 National Leader.
2.6 Details of structure.
2.7 Members. Any British citizen over the age of 16 may join the Party upon completion of a membership application form and payment of membership fees. Party membership may be extended to non-British citizens upon request. The membership fee is determined by the National Executive.
All members are subject to the Code of Conduct (Annexure A).
Party membership lists are to be kept by the Party Chairman and deployed only with his or her consent for the purposes of contacting members on a national or local level.
In this regard, the Party Chairman must keep three sets of lists: (1) those members who have more than three years’ membership; (2) those members who have more than one years’ membership; and (3) all members.
The Party Chairman is empowered to refuse any individual membership application deemed not to be in the interests of the party. This decision must be ratified by the National Executive.
2.8 Local structures.
2.9 Contacts
A “contact” is a person who serves as a primary point of contact for new enquiries or activism in which there are currently no Party groups or branches in existence.
2.10 Groups
A “group” is an organisation of members within a local area of fewer than 10 but more than five individuals. Each group shall elect from its midst, by popular and secret ballot, a group leader and other officials deemed necessary (treasurer etc.).
2.11 Branches
A “branch” is an organisation of members within a local area of more than 10 members, and whose level of activism is deemed sufficiently high by the Regional Organiser to warrant branch status. Each branch shall elect by popular and secret ballot, a branch chairman and other officials deemed necessary (treasurer etc.).
All Groups and Branches have the right to elect, from within their own ranks, new leaders at any time they deem fit.
2.12 Organisers
An “organiser” is appointed by the Regional Organiser in order to kick start or set up a group or branch. An organiser can also be chosen by a group or branch as its group leader or branch chairman.
2.13 Regional Structures
2.14 Sub Regional Organisers
A “sub regional organiser” shall be elected, where practical, in regions too large to be administered by a single regional organiser. The duties of the sub regional organiser include, inter alia, the growth, nurturing, logistical aid, organisation and communication means between the groups and branches and the regional organiser.
The sub-regional organiser will report directly to the regional organiser. Each sub-regional organiser will be elected by popular and secret ballot by the groups and branches within that sub-region.
2.15 Regional Council
A “regional council” is tasked with the coordination, planning, growth, logistical aid, organisation and all other matters pertaining to a particular region. Its members shall consist of:
2.16 The elected chairman and one other member from each Branch;
2.17 The elected chairman of each Group.
2.18 All Regional Councils have the right to elect new officials at any time they deem fit.
2.19 The Regional Council shall be empowered to appoint a regional treasurer, press officer and other officials, not necessarily from within its own ranks. These officials shall sit on the regional council, but will not have voting rights ex officio to elect delegates to the National Executive, unless they themselves are elected branch or group delegates.
2.20 Regional Organiser
A “regional organiser” is tasked with the day-to-day coordination, planning, growth, logistical aid, organisation and all other matters pertaining to the Party in his or her particular region. The regional organiser will be elected by a popular and secret ballot from amongst the members of the regional council.
2.21 National Structure
2.22 The National Executive
2.23 The National Executive is tasked with the running of the party. Its members shall consist of the regional organisers and one other delegate elected from each region by the regional councils.
2.24 The National Executive shall appoint, by popular and secret ballot, from within its own ranks, subcommittees to deal with specific topics, including but not limited to finance, discipline, policy, party structure and constitution, staff appointments, training and education and any other subjects of importance which lies within its powers to determine.
These subcommittees will have advisory ability to the National Executive, whose full vote is required to action any of the suggestions or proposals which are produced by such subcommittees.
2.25 The total membership of the National Executive shall not exceed 37 persons.
2.26 This will allow for a minimum of two delegates from each region, and a further eleven which must consist of the following:
- The Party Chairman;
- The National Leader;
- The National Treasurer;
- The National Nominating Officer.
2.27 The remaining nine persons will be party officials or other individuals, nominated by three subcommittees of the National executive, namely the Staffing Subcommittee, the Finance Subcommittee and the Policy Subcommittee. Each of these three subcommittees can appoint a maximum of three persons to the National Executive.
2.28 The National Executive can meet as often as required, but at a minimum of once every eight weeks.
2.29 For ordinary meetings of the National Executive, a quorum of 60 percent is required.
2.30 Party Officials.
2.31 All Party Officials and staff must be Party members.
2.32 Prospective officials must submit their Curricula Vitae to the subcommittee dealing with staffing for review, and all appointments must ideally be made with due regard to with experience in the role for which the applicant seeks appointment.
2.33 Once the subcommittee tasked with staffing has considered all applications, it must report to the National Executive which must ratify, by popular and secret ballot, any appointments.
2.34 Party Officials will include any offices either required by law (treasurer and nominating officer, with the exception of National Leader) or any others as decided by the National Executive, such as press officer, national organiser, fundraiser etc.
2.35 Party Chairman and Executive Board.
2.36 The National Executive shall elect, not necessarily from within its own ranks, a Party Chairman and an Executive Board. This election will take place by popular and secret ballot.
2.37 The Party Chairman and Executive Board shall have a term of office equivalent to that of the National Leader.
2.38 The Chairman and the Executive Board shall be entrusted with the day-to-day running of the administrative side of the Party, subject to ratification of all their actions by the full National Executive at the earliest feasible opportunity.
2.39 National Leader.
2.40 The National Leader of the Party is entrusted with the guiding the political direction of the movement in its day-to-day interactions with the public, all with the aim of increasing support.
2.41 To this end, the National Leader may appoint spokesmen, based on prior suitable experience, and develop the political theory of the party within the confines of the policy laid down by the Annual General Meeting.
2.42 The National Leader will also sit on the National Executive and Executive Board with full voting rights.
2.43 Election of the National Leader
2.44 The National Leader is elected by a popular and secret ballot amongst Members who have been paid up members for a year or more.
2.45 Eligibility to stand for leadership: In order to qualify to be a candidate for leadership, a member must have more than three years’ continuous membership.
2.46 In addition, a candidate must have obtained at least 100 signatures from members with more than one year’s membership. These 100 signatures must be on an official nomination form which must be available to all potential candidates from the Party Chairman.
2.47 The Party will not provide membership lists to prospective candidates under any circumstances. Candidates will have to use their own resources, such as meetings and appeals, to gather the requisite signatures.
2.48 Election Process
2.49 The Party Chairman shall be Acting Leader of the Party in-between the declaration of a vacancy and the election of a new leader.
2.50 If the Party Chairman is a candidate in the election, the National Executive must elect an Acting Chairman for the interim period.
2.51 Completed official nomination forms must be submitted to the Party Chairman within deadlines specified by the circumstances, but always at least six weeks after the official declaration of a vacancy by the Chairman.
2.52 After checking and verification that all signatures are from members with more than one year’s membership, the Party Chairman shall announce the candidates via all official Party organs.
2.53 All candidates shall have equal time and space allocated to them in all the Party organs. Time and word limits shall be determined by the National Executive, with a guideline of 500 words each for written manifestoes and four minutes each for BNPtv or Radio RWB appearances.
2.54 Once the candidates are declared, all members with one year’s continuous membership shall receive, by mail, a voting ballot with all the names of prospective candidates printed thereon. This shall take place no less than three weeks from the date of the official declaration of candidates by the Party Chairman.
2.55 Prospective candidates may campaign in their own right, by using meetings and websites, on condition that they do not engage in mass email spam which is a breach of the Data Protection Act (in other words, mass emails may only be sent to people who have specifically granted permission thereto) and that no breach of the Code of Conduct (Annexure A) takes place.
2.56 A breach of the Code of Conduct (Annexure A) by any candidate will result in automatic disqualification, a decision which can be taken by the Chairman and Executive Board (excluding, if present, an incumbent standing for election), on condition that it be ratified by an emergency meeting of the National Executive.
2.57 An official can support who they choose. No official can use their position or the data they hold to declare support for any candidate.
2.58 Party members will have two weeks from date of posting of the ballots in which to return the papers marked with their choice. The returned ballots will remain sealed until the two week period is over, whereupon they will be opened and counted in the presence of the candidates and their representatives.
2.59 The candidate with the most popular votes will be declared duly elected and take up the role with immediate effect.
2.60 Election Timeframes and Extraordinary Circumstances
2.61 The position of National Leader shall be valid for four years, subject to the right of recall by the National Executive as outlined below.
2.62 If at the end of this period, no nominations are received, and the incumbent indicates his or her desire to retain the post, he or she will duly be considered to be re-elected unopposed.
2.63 If the National Leader should fall ill, be incapacitated or otherwise be unable to fulfil his or her duties to any reason whatsoever, the Party Chairman, subject to ratification by the National Executive, may declare a vacancy at any time and implement an election procedure subject to the time frames laid out above.
2.64 In exceptional circumstances, the National Leader may be removed from office by a vote of 75 percent of the full National Executive in terms of a no-confidence motion. The quorum required for such a decision is 90 percent.
2.65 In order to ensure that a decision taken in terms of section 2.64 is representative of the majority of the party structure, any National Executive taking such a decision will also instantly be dissolved and will have to seek re-election from its constituent bodies (the Regional Councils).
Chapter 3: The Annual General Meeting (“Conference”)
3.1 The Party must hold an Annual General Meeting (“Conference”) each year during the first week of November. The National Executive has the right to determine precise dates and other arrangements.
3.2 Attendance at the Conference is open to all members, restricted only by space.
3.3 Voting on Conference motions is limited to those members with more than one year’s continuous membership.
3.4 Voting on motions which determine party policy require an 80 percent quorum at the Conference, which in turn must be representative of at least 80 percent of all the active groups and branches.
Chapter 5: Candidate Selection Procedures
5.1 All candidates for local and national elections are to be selected by local organisations.
5.2 The guideline as outlined in paragraph 5.1 can only be interfered with under the following circumstances:
5.3 An 80% quorum of the National Executive agrees to deselect a local candidate after hearing all the details surrounding any such contentious nomination, or
5.4 There is no local organisation capable of choosing a candidate, in which case the Regional Organiser must take on the role of candidate selection.
Chapter 6: Revisions to this Constitution
6.1 Changes to this constitution may only be made by a 75 percent majority vote at the Annual General Meeting (“Conference”) of the Party.
6.2 Such a conference must be representative of at least 80 percent of all active groups and branches.
Code of Conduct (Annexure A)
A.1 Disciplinary Procedure
A.2 All elected Party officials and Party Officers must bring beaches of the code of conduct to the attention of the National Executive’s disciplinary subcommittee within two weeks of the breach occurring.
A.3 The disciplinary subcommittee must immediately make a recommendation to the Party Chairman to either expel or suspend the member in question, subject to appeal, or to place the member on disciplinary charges. All decisions by the Party Chairman in this regard must be ratified by the National Executive.
A.4 The National Executive shall arrange for any hearings or appeals to be heard and concluded within four weeks of any complaint, suspension or expulsion.
A.5 The disciplinary tribunal must consist of the Regional Organiser concerned, and at least two other members appointed by him. The decision of the hearing is final and no appeal is allowed after that.
A.6 If the Regional Organiser is the accused, another Regional Organiser must act in his place.
A.7 Offences.
A.8 No member of the party shall be a member of another political party. No party official may be a member of any other party.
A.9 All Members and Party Officials are obligated to treat all other Members and Party Officials with due courtesy and respect, even in the event of disagreement on fundamental issues.
A.10 All Members agree to abide the majority vote decision of any party body.
A.11 All Members are under an obligation to always act in a way which will not bring the party into disrepute. The National Executive’s disciplinary subcommittee and Party Chairman, subject to ratification by the National Executive, have the right to determine the definition of “disrepute.”
A.12 All Members are obligated to raise concerns on any aspect of Party activity or behaviour in the correct hierarchal channels, either to Group leader, Branch Chairman, Regional Organiser, Regional Council member, National Executive member or Chairman, in that order.
A.13 The distribution, by any electronic or printed means, of dissatisfaction, allegations of any sort, true or false, outside of the official channels, is expressly forbidden. In leadership election challenges, no material which brings the party into disrepute shall be distributed via any of these means.
A.14 All Party Officials are entrusted with access to confidential information and any unauthorised distribution of such material is an offence.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Submission from D. Franklin
The Advisory Council structure should be abolished. The BNP should be governed by a National Executive directly elected by paid-up BNP members in good standing. At the same time as these elections are held, there should be elections for national officers e.g. Chairman, Treasurer, secretary etc. Persons seeking election to these posts should require a (reasonable) number of nominations from paid-up members to deter frivolous candidates, but not so many that it is onerous.
All members of the National executive should be honorary i.e. unpaid. However they should be able to claim for vouched travel/subsistence expenses and loss of earnings where appropriate. Anyone who is employed and paid by the party should be disqualified from standing for the National Executive. However senior paid officers of the party should normally attend NE meetings to provide information and advice, but they will not be able to vote.
At each NE meeting the National officers and others should present a full report. The Treasurer should present proper management accounts at each meeting and full financial statements at the year end. These statements will be subject to audit by an audit committee. This committee should not have any member who is a member of the NE or be a paid member of staff. The financial statements and the findings of the audit committee should be published to the membership.
The NE should have the power to employ genuine consultants if deemed necessary. However these must be arms lengths transactions, subject to tender if possible and regularly reviewed by the NE. In no circumstances should any consultant act in a role which would give the impression that the consultant is an officer of the party or a member of staff. The main principle in appointing such consultants should be value for money, but preference should be given to BNP members wherever possible.
As regards a "leader", I feel this is only really appropriate where BNP members are elected to a public body. For example, BNP councillors, MPs (when we get some) and MEP's, should elect a leader and deputy from amongst their number.
Discipline. All organisations need some form of disciplinary code. But this must be open, honest, fair and in accordance with the law of the land and the rules of natural justice. It should be seen as a measure to be used sparingly. It should not be used as means to silence dissent or to get rid of "awkward" members.
With respect to branches and groups, I feel their organisation should mirror that of the National Executive. Local groups should be governed by elected committees with a chairman, secretary, treasurer and in this case a local organiser. Local units should hold their own funds and the treasurer should report on the state of the finances to the local committee and the membership. At the year end the treasurer should produce a financial statement which will be subject to audit by another person not on the committee.
In the longer term, I would like to see the BNP move to a system where memberships are issued locally with a proportion of the membership fee remitted to head office funds. Local groups would also be responsible for getting in renewals and maintaining membership records. There should be only 3 classes of membership; ordinary, paid life and honorary life. The latter would be awarded to members of special merit or for long term service.
Those branches and groups which do not already do so, should issue regular bulletins to their members and any registered supporters. Local unit should be encouraged to set up local websites and publish local community newsletters in areas where they are likely to stand candidates.
Dick Franklin
All members of the National executive should be honorary i.e. unpaid. However they should be able to claim for vouched travel/subsistence expenses and loss of earnings where appropriate. Anyone who is employed and paid by the party should be disqualified from standing for the National Executive. However senior paid officers of the party should normally attend NE meetings to provide information and advice, but they will not be able to vote.
At each NE meeting the National officers and others should present a full report. The Treasurer should present proper management accounts at each meeting and full financial statements at the year end. These statements will be subject to audit by an audit committee. This committee should not have any member who is a member of the NE or be a paid member of staff. The financial statements and the findings of the audit committee should be published to the membership.
The NE should have the power to employ genuine consultants if deemed necessary. However these must be arms lengths transactions, subject to tender if possible and regularly reviewed by the NE. In no circumstances should any consultant act in a role which would give the impression that the consultant is an officer of the party or a member of staff. The main principle in appointing such consultants should be value for money, but preference should be given to BNP members wherever possible.
As regards a "leader", I feel this is only really appropriate where BNP members are elected to a public body. For example, BNP councillors, MPs (when we get some) and MEP's, should elect a leader and deputy from amongst their number.
Discipline. All organisations need some form of disciplinary code. But this must be open, honest, fair and in accordance with the law of the land and the rules of natural justice. It should be seen as a measure to be used sparingly. It should not be used as means to silence dissent or to get rid of "awkward" members.
With respect to branches and groups, I feel their organisation should mirror that of the National Executive. Local groups should be governed by elected committees with a chairman, secretary, treasurer and in this case a local organiser. Local units should hold their own funds and the treasurer should report on the state of the finances to the local committee and the membership. At the year end the treasurer should produce a financial statement which will be subject to audit by another person not on the committee.
In the longer term, I would like to see the BNP move to a system where memberships are issued locally with a proportion of the membership fee remitted to head office funds. Local groups would also be responsible for getting in renewals and maintaining membership records. There should be only 3 classes of membership; ordinary, paid life and honorary life. The latter would be awarded to members of special merit or for long term service.
Those branches and groups which do not already do so, should issue regular bulletins to their members and any registered supporters. Local unit should be encouraged to set up local websites and publish local community newsletters in areas where they are likely to stand candidates.
Dick Franklin
Submission from I. Hills
Something like a national executive committee is needed. If members in good standing in each region elect one member, this would give it democratic accountability. But this executive must have real teeth. This means complete access to the party's accounts. It also means vetting of the leader's hirings and firings, vetting of manifesto and constitutional changes, the last word in party discipline and the final say in who stands for local, general and European elections. We should, in short, be moving away from our dictatorial roots.
Ian Hills
Ian Hills
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Submission from A. Emerson
Party leadership
There should be a separation of powers as between the party leader (currently known as the national chairman) and a new post of party chairman.
The party leader would, as at present, remain responsible for policy, as well as the organization of the voluntary party. The party chairman would be responsible for the administration of the party's salaried staff, contractors, and agency staff, if any, including their training, promotion, and the hiring and firing of same.
Both the party chairman and the national treasurer should be elected annually, for the term of one year, at the party conference in the autumn. Incumbents may seek re-election for a further term each year at the annual conference.
In exceptional circumstances the party leader would have the right to dismiss either the party chairman or the national treasurer. However, in order to do so he would need to obtain a two-thirds' majority vote in favour of doing so at a meeting of the advisory council, which would itself need to be ratified by a two-thirds' majority vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), convened specifically to decide on the validity of the party leader's actions. If the leader failed to obtain a two-thirds' majority vote at the EGM a leadership election would automatically be triggered, to be held within ninety days.
Advisory council
The party leader, party chairman, national treasurer, and each of the party's twelve regional organizers are ex officio members of the advisory council. Other members may be co-opted, ie, elected by the votes of the existing members of the council, as the need arises.
Annual conference
Every member of the party has the right to attend and to vote. Any member attending has the right to run for the office of either party chairman or national treasurer. In case of demand for places outstripping the number of places available, these are to be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Leadership elections
Any member with at least five years continuous membership of the party may run for the office of party leader.
Ten nominations are required from fully paid up members as at 1 June in any year, regardless of length of party membership. Downloadable nomination form to be provided on party web site, failing which candidates may create and use their own forms. A deposit of five hundred pounds to be required from each candidate, returnable on their securing at least five per cent of the total votes cast.
Categories of membership
The categories of voting member, founding member, probationary member, and member with at least two years' continuous membership of the party, are to be abolished. No further life memberships are to be created. No-one is to be permitted to become, or remain, a member of the BNP who is at the same time also a member of another political party. We want no divided loyalties or conflicts of interest in the BNP, ever again.
Employment by the party
Anyone employed as an employee by the party must be given a written contract of employment, and written terms and conditions of employment. No-one who is not a member of the party may be employed as an employee by the party. No external contractor, as opposed to employee, is to have any control over the party's financial management or administration.
A. Emerson
There should be a separation of powers as between the party leader (currently known as the national chairman) and a new post of party chairman.
The party leader would, as at present, remain responsible for policy, as well as the organization of the voluntary party. The party chairman would be responsible for the administration of the party's salaried staff, contractors, and agency staff, if any, including their training, promotion, and the hiring and firing of same.
Both the party chairman and the national treasurer should be elected annually, for the term of one year, at the party conference in the autumn. Incumbents may seek re-election for a further term each year at the annual conference.
In exceptional circumstances the party leader would have the right to dismiss either the party chairman or the national treasurer. However, in order to do so he would need to obtain a two-thirds' majority vote in favour of doing so at a meeting of the advisory council, which would itself need to be ratified by a two-thirds' majority vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), convened specifically to decide on the validity of the party leader's actions. If the leader failed to obtain a two-thirds' majority vote at the EGM a leadership election would automatically be triggered, to be held within ninety days.
Advisory council
The party leader, party chairman, national treasurer, and each of the party's twelve regional organizers are ex officio members of the advisory council. Other members may be co-opted, ie, elected by the votes of the existing members of the council, as the need arises.
Annual conference
Every member of the party has the right to attend and to vote. Any member attending has the right to run for the office of either party chairman or national treasurer. In case of demand for places outstripping the number of places available, these are to be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Leadership elections
Any member with at least five years continuous membership of the party may run for the office of party leader.
Ten nominations are required from fully paid up members as at 1 June in any year, regardless of length of party membership. Downloadable nomination form to be provided on party web site, failing which candidates may create and use their own forms. A deposit of five hundred pounds to be required from each candidate, returnable on their securing at least five per cent of the total votes cast.
Categories of membership
The categories of voting member, founding member, probationary member, and member with at least two years' continuous membership of the party, are to be abolished. No further life memberships are to be created. No-one is to be permitted to become, or remain, a member of the BNP who is at the same time also a member of another political party. We want no divided loyalties or conflicts of interest in the BNP, ever again.
Employment by the party
Anyone employed as an employee by the party must be given a written contract of employment, and written terms and conditions of employment. No-one who is not a member of the party may be employed as an employee by the party. No external contractor, as opposed to employee, is to have any control over the party's financial management or administration.
A. Emerson
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Submission from E. Butler
1) The British National Party shall be a political party which shall be referred to throughout the rest of this Constitution as “the party”.
2) The political objectives of the party are set out in the following Statement of Principles:-
(a) The British National Party is a party of British Nationalism committed to the principle of national sovereignty in all British affairs. It is pledged to the restoration of the unity and integrity of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It believes that the peoples of the entire British Isles, and their descendants overseas, form a single brotherhood, and is pledged therefore to adapt or create political, cultural, economic and military institutions with the aim of fostering the closest possible partnership between them.
(b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national character of the British people. It is therefore committed to stemming the tide of immigration to Britain.
(c) The British National Party is pledged to the maintenance of a private-enterprise economy operating within a broad framework of national economic policy. It is opposed to international monopoly capitalism and to laissez-faire free trade and free movement of plant and capital. Social stability and contentment is best achieved by the many enjoying a personal stake in our society. Accordingly, we believe that private property should be encouraged and spread to as many individual members of our nation as possible. We recognise that finance exists to serve the nation and its industries, rather than the other way around.
(d) The British National Party is implacably opposed to Marxism and liberal-capitalist globalism, which undermine our standard of living, human and ecological welfare, freedom and national identity.
(e) The British National Party stands for a policy of armed neutrality in international and military affairs. We are pledged to ensure that the lives of British servicemen are not risked in international quarrels in which no national interest of our own is at stake.
(f) The British National Party will introduce a Bill of Rights, establishing as absolute the right of all British people to effective freedom of speech, assembly and worship. The undemocratic power of the mass media and vested interest groups will be curbed and tougher penalties introduced for corruption in public affairs. We favour a devolved, democratic system in which political decisions are made by ordinary citizens at the most local level of government possible. We are pledged to extend and rejuvenate democratic government by returning to Parliament the powers that have been appropriated by the EU.
3) Any changes of policy such as may be needed to adapt to changing circumstances are permissible only insofar as they do not run contrary to any of the aforementioned principles.
1) Section removed
2) Section removed
3) Membership of the party shall be open only to those who are 16 years of age or over.
4) The national leadership of the party shall have the sole right to determine the annual subscription payable by members of the party, subject to the provision that any change on the subscription rate determined during any year shall not take effect until the 1st January of the following year.
5) All new members of the party shall remain probationary members for twenty four months from the date of joining and can have their membership terminated by the party’s National Chairman or by a national officer authorised by him without recourse to the disciplinary procedure laid down in Section 6.
6) All rights and privileges of membership of the party shall be withheld from any persons who allow their subscriptions to fall into arrears.
7) No member of the party shall be a member of another political party.
8) The elected National Chairman of the party, or any party official authorised by him, shall be empowered to refuse, without giving reasons, any new application for membership considered not to be in the interests of the party.
9) Persons joining the British National Party agree to work within the party’s Constitution and the principles outlined in Section 1.
10) A person who pays to be a Life Member still has to serve a two year probationary period and cannot stand for the post of National Chairman for five years. The full disciplinary provisions of Section 6 apply to Life Members.
11) To initiate disciplinary action against a probationary member, the Regional Organiser should report the probationary member to the National Chairman or to the national officer authorised by him, outlining the offence and the recommended action. Within 21 days the National Chairman or to the national officer authorised by him must decide upon the action to be taken and inform the probationary member of the decision or the matter would fall.
12) A member with over twenty four months continuous membership is to be known as a full member.
1) Once elected, the National Chairman shall have full executive power over all the political affairs of the party. This will include:
(a) Power of appointment to all the Regional Organisers, and all political National Officers chosen from among the Advisory Council members. In general the Party Chairman appoints to political roles (e.g. Elections, Communications, Publications, Publicity, Policy, Education and training, discipline and disputes).
(b) Power to determine all routine executive, policy and tactical decisions made by the party.
2) The Deputy Chairman shall have full executive power over all administrative affairs of the party (with the exception of the power to appoint Regional Organisers). This will include:
(a) Power of appointment to Administrative roles (e.g. the National Treasurer, the National Organiser, Staff Manager, Events Manager, Fundraising Manager and other roles as required).
(b) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all administrative, organisational structures within the party and to determine all rules and procedures whereby such structures are governed.
3) Any disagreement as to where the boundaries of the remit of the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman lies will be decided by the Advisory Council.
4) While the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman may at his discretion delegate decision making powers to individual colleagues or to assemblies of his colleagues where he feels that such decisions may be better made, they shall have ultimate and final authority upon any decision made that is within their area of authority.
5) The National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman may appoint Non Advisory Council members to senior positions but these officers do not count as National Officers.
1) Elections for the post of National Chairman shall be held every year. Nominations shall open on 20th July in each year and close at noon on 10th August. The election shall be held on a ‘one member, one vote’ basis in a secret postal ballot of all full members paid up by 1st of July.
2) Any member of the party may become a candidate for the post of National Chairman of the party provided that person is, and has been, on or before the close of nominations, a fully paid up member of the party for a minimum of five consecutive years, and has secured the signatures on his or her nomination paper of 250 full members as at 1st July. Each member can nominate only one candidate. On 1st July each year a statement will be issued detailing the total number of full members.
3) Nominations may only be collected from 1st July and must be completed on official nomination papers which are downloadable from the main party website.
4) Notification of a leadership election shall be issued in the September issue of the member’s bulletin, while the October issue will include a single side of A4 manifesto sheet from each candidate (designed and supplied by them) and a ballot paper. It will be sent by post to all full members as at 1st July, including those who normally receive their bulletins electronically.
5) A pre-recorded debate between the candidates shall be publicised on BNPtv, a private page on the BNP website will give each candidate up to six sides of A4 designed by them, the party magazine shall give each candidate equal space (at least two pages each) to set out their ideas, and at least three hustings meetings will be held with equal time for each candidate in different parts of the country and be open to all paid up full members from the areas in question. In the event that unavoidable external circumstances render any of these methods of communication impractical they may be omitted or replaced as decided by a simple majority vote of a special meeting of the Advisory Council.
6) Candidates may also campaign using their own methods, subject to the party’s Code of Conduct contained in Annex 1 of this Constitution and Section 6: Discipline. This includes but is not limited to blogs, websites, leaflets, brochures, e-mails, telephone calls, texts and meetings. The party will not provide membership lists in paper or electronic format but local officers may assist candidates with the local lists which they may legitimately have in their possession.
7) The ballot papers shall be kept unopened until the post has arrived on the third Thursday of October, when all received ballots shall be opened and counted under the supervision of two members of the Advisory Council, appointed by the Advisory Council, who are not candidates, together with the candidates and up to two scrutineers each.
8) The election shall take place on a ‘first past the post’ basis.
9) In any year in which no nominations for the post of National Chairman of the party are received the currently serving holder of the post will be deemed to have received a mandate from the party to hold it for a further term. In any year in which there is a challenge for the post of National Chairman, the currently serving National Chairman shall be deemed to be nominated automatically should he wish to stand again.
10) In the event of a General Election being called between 10th August and the 1st October and at least one candidate has been duly nominated, then the campaign will be suspended, resuming immediately after polling day. The Advisory Council will determine the new timetable.
11) If an outgoing National Chairman is a paid employee of the party and either does not wish to remain as such or is not required as such by the new incumbent, he shall receive severance pay in line with the statutory requirement, plus one month for each year served up to a total of eight years, and one week extra for each year thereafter.
12) The successful candidate in any such election will be considered as occupying the office of National Chairman immediately on completion of the counting of votes in that election.
13) If for whatever reason the post of National Chairman becomes vacant then the Deputy Chairman will become Acting Chairman until the yearly round of elections. The Advisory Council will have to select a new Deputy Chairman. No member of the Advisory Council may be removed until after this process has been completed, but vacancies can be filled.
1) The Advisory Council shall be made up of the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, all Regional Organisers (one per region as defined in the European Elections), five members elected by the Annual Conference, five appointed by the Chairman and five by the Deputy Chairman. The National Chairman and the Deputy Chairman may replace their appointees at any time except on the day of an Advisory Council meeting.
2) The Advisory Council shall meet not less than four times a year, and while the agenda for such meetings shall be set by the National Chairman, there shall be a section at each such meeting where any member of the Advisory Council may raise matters of any other business.
4) The Advisory Council shall appoint the Party Auditor, choosing this person by simple majority vote. The Party Auditor shall be entitled to inspect all the party’s accounts and financial records at their normal location and at any reasonable time by prior arrangement, and shall supply audited accounts and an auditor’s report to the first Advisory Council meeting in each financial year.
5) The Advisory Council shall also appoint by simple majority vote the Auditor who is required to submit accounts on an annual basis to the Electoral Commission. This auditor may or may not be the same as the Party Auditor.
6) The Advisory Council shall elect four of their number to serve as Bequest Trustees. The Bequest Trustees shall not be the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman nor the National Treasurer. These four trustees shall be responsible for administering any bequests left to the benefit of the party. They would be the only party members authorised to arrange future bequests. In the normal course of events, upon receipt of a bequest the money will be paid straight into the main party accounts. Any property bought or investments made by the party will be held in trust by the Bequest Trustees. The Bequest Trustees serve until removed from the Advisory Council. When this occurs the next meeting of the Advisory Council will elect a replacement by a simple majority vote.
7) The Advisory Council may call an Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting by a two-thirds majority of Advisory Council members voting in a properly convened meeting with a quorum of two-thirds, even if this is opposed by the National Chairman. Alternatively, the National Chairman may call such a meeting at any time he deems it necessary. Should such a meeting be called it must be held within forty days, and the matter which led to it being called shall be put to the members to decide. The decision of any members meeting overrides any decision of the Chairman or the Advisory Council.
8) The Deputy Chairman shall appoint the National Treasurer from among the members of the Advisory Council. The National Treasurer shall administer the central funds of the party, and shall be required to provide to the National Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Advisory Council regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of two members of the Advisory Council, as approved by the National Treasurer. The signatories may not be the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman.
9) The National Treasurer shall, by prior arrangement be required to make available current financial records for inspection by any member of the Advisory Council at any meeting of the Advisory Council.
10) All party financial records, every account, item of expenditure or fundraising venture entered into by the party must be under the control of the National Treasurer and open to inspection by the National Chairman at any time and any member of the Advisory Council at any duly convened meeting, and incorporated into the yearly accounts.
11) A member of the Advisory Council shall not be removed from the Advisory Council on the day of an Advisory Council meeting.
12) The first Deputy Chairman is to be elected by the members present at the EGM that accepts this Constitution by a simple show of hands. Thereafter the Deputy Chairman is elected on a yearly basis by the Advisory Council at the first meeting of each year.
13) The Deputy Chairman may serve multiple terms and may only be removed mid-term by a two thirds majority vote by the Advisory Council at a duly convened meeting.
1) The disciplinary code of the party is embodied in the Code of Conduct, which comprises Annex 1 of this Constitution.
2) Members who have offended against the Code of Conduct or otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party shall be liable to disciplinary sanction.
3) Ultimate authority to determine how the ‘interests of the party’ may be defined rests with the National Chairman of the party or with any official or group of officials and/or members of the party authorised by him to act in that capacity.
4) In the first instance of any member being believed to have committed an offence as defined in this section, that member will normally be subject to a written reprimand. Such reprimands may be issued by any official senior to the member being reprimanded.
6) In the event of a written reprimand, the member concerned has the right of appeal to the National Chairman within fourteen days.
7) If after the fourteen days elapses and the member has not appealed yet continues to act in the manner which gave rise to the reprimand then he may be expelled or suspended.
8) In the case of a serious offence being committed and where it is judged that there would be some immediate risk to the well-being of the party in that person continuing to exercise their rights of membership, the National Chairman or other senior official authorised by him, may immediately suspend or expel from membership any such member prior to a disciplinary tribunal being held to determine whether that person has committed an offence.
9) If a member is expelled or suspended, either after first receiving a reprimand or as a result of an immediate risk that requires that the member be disciplined immediately, the member concerned should be sent in writing the details of the alleged offence, within two weeks of the notice of suspension or expulsion being sent.
10) If written details of the alleged offence are not sent within fourteen days then the suspension or expulsion is automatically lifted.
11) Upon receipt of the details of the alleged offence the member has fourteen days in which to ask for a disciplinary tribunal. Failure to reply will mean that the suspension or expulsion stands.
12) The disciplinary tribunal must be held within two calendar months of receipt of the request for a tribunal from the suspended or expelled member. Failure to hold the tribunal within a month will result in the suspension or expulsion being automatically lifted.
13) The disciplinary tribunal shall be composed of senior party officials where possible and shall be selected according to the convenience of the party by the National Chairman. Such a tribunal shall consist of a tribunal chairman and two other party members. Such a tribunal shall, as far as possible, be conducted in a place and at a time reasonably accessible to the accused and with a minimum of fourteen days notice.
14) The disciplinary tribunal shall have the power to rescind an expulsion or suspension; suspend from membership; increase the period of suspension of membership; impose restrictions upon a person; and shall also have the power to expel from membership those guilty of offences against the Code of Conduct or who have otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party.
15) In the event of a disciplinary tribunal being conducted as specified above, it will be left to the discretion of the official responsible to formulate the precise procedure for the conduct of such an enquiry, though this must be reasonable and fair. Complex cases may call for a tribunal prosecutor to marshal the evidence and present the case. Witnesses may be called by both sides.
16) The member who is subject to the disciplinary tribunal may bring one representative to assist in their defence, who may or may not be a member.
17) An appeal within two weeks to the National Chairman against a disciplinary tribunal decision or sanction may be made by the guilty party. If the member is found innocent then there is no means to appeal.
1) The nationwide organisation of the party shall be divided on a geographical basis into regions, branches, groups and contacts. Additionally specialist circles may be formed from time to time on a non-geographical basis, the membership of which need not necessarily be party members.
2) The region will normally consist of a county or group of counties, determined according to convenience by the party leadership. The normal basis will be the regions as used for the European Elections.
3) Within each region the strength of the party will be divided into smaller units to be known as branches, groups and contacts. These will normally be based on local authority boundaries but may be further broken down into cities, towns, parliamentary constituencies or groups or parts thereof, situated in close proximity to each other.
4) Contact, group and branch organisers are appointed/removed by their Regional Organiser and he, in turn, by the National Chairman.
5) As with the regional based party structure, the heads of circles are likewise subordinate to the National Chairman and count as party officials.
6) Branch, group and contact organisers will have full authority over the affairs of their branches and groups within the limits of this Constitution. This authority will include the power to appoint all other branch or group officials as are deemed necessary to the running of their local units including fund holders. The latter authority does not apply to contacts, since contacts are a smaller, pre-group phase of organisation. The membership, in any locality or circle, may naturally make their preference clear for their choice of any local official, but the final decision rests with the official responsible for the appointment.
7) All groups and branches must have a fund holder and an organiser. The National Treasurer may demand the removal of a local Fundholder against the wishes of the Regional Organiser or local organiser.
8) Branches, groups and contacts within any region shall be distinguished from one another according to the discretion of the National Chairman using nationally standard criteria. Responsibility for establishing branches, groups and contacts within a region, for determining lines of demarcation between them and for defining the precise criteria whereby a unit qualifies to be registered as a branch shall lie with the Regional Organiser, who shall be answerable in turn to the National Chairman.
(a) Property or funds entrusted to, or held by, a member or ex-member or any body or unit of the party for party purposes, shall be held and used by him, or her, or them, as trustee for the party for the time being, subject to any lawful and constitutional directive imposed or given by the donor or the person entrusting the property or funds to the said trustee.
(b) A trustee shall, if so required by the Deputy Chairman of the party or any official thus authorised by him, transfer ownership and possession of property and funds held in trust for and on behalf of the party to any person or persons nominated as trustees for the party thereby. Every such trustee shall, so far as may be within his or her power, obey the directions of the Deputy Chairman or any official authorised by him as to the use or disposal of property or funds held by them for and on behalf of the party.
(c) Save the exception provided for in Section 8, sub-section 1, para. (d) below, no official other than the National Treasurer and the Deputy Chairman or some official authorised by him, may commit or involve the party in any expenditure of central funds or any other form of transaction without the written consent of the Deputy Chairman or an official authorised by him for such a purpose.
(d) The central funds of the party shall be administered by a National Treasurer, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and who shall not be the same person as the party auditor. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of the National Treasurer and one other party official to be appointed by the Deputy Chairman. The Deputy Chairman shall determine, by arrangement with the National Treasurer, the maximum limit on any item of expenditure which may be made without his (the Deputy Chairman’s) consent.
(e) All debts and liabilities properly incurred by the party at a national level shall be solely the responsibility of the National Chairman.
(a) All local funds of the party shall be administered by the Regional Treasurer in a single regional account, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure concerned, and to keep and submit to the relevant authorities, all records required under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation. All cheques paid out from the regional funds must bear the signature of the Regional Treasurer and Regional Organiser. Limits of expenditure for any local funds shall be determined in accordance with the same procedure as that specified in the foregoing sub-section.
(b) Regions may operate other accounts subject to the prior approval of the National Treasurer and their being operated in accordance with the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation.
(c) Contact areas, as distinct from groups and branches, do not raise money to be administered by the Regional Treasurer. Contacts, for the purposes of the law, are treated as individuals and are not able to collect or receive donations. Any monies raised by individuals for the immediate furtherance of the party in a contact area (e.g. the purchase of leaflets or papers etc.) are permissible.
(d) No local unit may operate any kind of account.
(e) In the event that, for any reason, local funds are not able to be administered by the Regional Treasurer, then the funds will be administered by the National Treasurer or another treasurer appointed by either him or the Deputy Chairman.
(f) Any financial undertakings entered into by any local unit or region of the party are the sole responsibility of that local unit/region, and no party organisation outside that unit/region may be charged with liability for debts arising therefrom. No organiser shall commit his branch/group to spend against future anticipated income and thereby place his unit in debt. All debts and liabilities incurred by any local unit shall be the personal responsibility of the organiser of that unit/region and not that of the party.
(g) The arrangements for the method and frequency whereby regional treasurers keep the National Treasurer and local units within the region informed of the position of the regional account shall be determined by the National Treasurer who shall have the right, and is expected, to inspect all regional financial records on reasonable notice.
(h) In the event of a local unit disbanding for any reason, all monies and property belonging to that unit shall revert automatically to the ownership of the party and the custody of the Regional Treasurer of the party.
1) All publication of party literature at local level and on local initiative will require the consent of the party’s Director of Publicity. This consent may be obtained by either the prior submission of any such literature for inspection by the party’s Director of Publicity or by his granting to the local official concerned authority to print such literature as he sees fit.
2) The elected National Chairman will reserve the absolute right to order to be withdrawn from distribution any item of party literature or other publicity material published which does not comply with the aforementioned rules or which, in its content or quality of production, does not reflect creditably on the party.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statement to, the news media on matters internal to the party who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statements to, the news media on matters of local politics who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party. The exception to this rule is any elected representative for that local area.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statements to, the news media on national issues who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party.
1) No local branch or group of the party may undertake to contest any election, whether parliamentary or local government, without the prior consent of the National Chairman or national official or Regional Organiser authorised by him.
2) Local units must submit their choice of candidate for approval to the National Chairman or a person authorised by him to approve candidates.
1) No local branch or group of the party my undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that branch or group without the prior consent of the local Regional Organiser.
2) In the same way no region of the party may undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that region without the prior consent of the National Chairman or senior official delegated by him.
1) There shall be an Annual Conference held in the Autumn of each year open to all full members.
2) The Chairman of the meeting shall be selected by the Advisory Council and shall not be the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman.
3) The Chairman of the meeting shall decide on the conduct of the meeting.
4) At least fourteen days notice must be given for the date of the conference and fourteen days notice given for any constitutional changes that are to be debated.
5) The primary purpose for the Annual Conference is to debate policy. Full members must be notified of policy motions at least fourteen days prior to the Conference.
6) In the event of the National Chairman or the Advisory Council calling an Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting, at least fourteen days notice must be given to all full members by post with notification of the proposed motions. All full members are allowed to attend and vote at an EGM.
7) Any full member wishing to submit an amendment to any motion on the agenda of an EGM or Annual Conference must have a separate proposer and seconder for such a resolution who are both full members of the party and must submit the resolution to the Chairman of the meeting before the motion is debated.
8) Policy motions are passed by a simple majority. Policy motions passed by a 2/3 majority must appear in the manifesto.
9) The Annual Conference shall elect five full members to sit on the Advisory Council. These full members may not be Regional Organisers. To be elected onto the Advisory Council the full member must be present at the Annual Conference. He must have a proposer and a seconder at the Annual Conference. Each candidate may make a five minute speech to the Conference. After each candidate has made his speech, their proposer may make a 2 minute speech, and their seconder a one minute speech. Thereafter the candidates will be elected by a show of hands. Should less than five full members apply for the positions, then those who do apply are elected automatically. Any spare places will be filled by the Deputy Chairman from any full members who may or may not be present before the next Advisory Council meeting. If elected members resign from the Advisory Council during the year, then the Deputy Chairman may co-opt a replacement. Elected members of the Advisory Council sit on the Advisory Council until the next Annual Conference.
1) Any changes made to this Constitution may only be made by a 2/3 majority vote at a properly convened Extraordinary General Meeting of members with over two years continuous membership or at the Annual Conference which is only open to members with over two years continuous membership.
2) Voting at an EGM or at the Annual Conference will be by a show of hands.
3) Proposals to amend the constitution must be sent in a members’ bulletin prior to the EGM or Annual Conference and must be received at least fourteen days prior to the EGM or Annual Conference. The proposals may be amended by the Conference or EGM.
4) Changes shall be effective from the time the vote is taken. They must be published in the next members’ bulletin and published on the main party website within fourteen days.
5) Proposals to change the constitution may only be made in the first instance by the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman or the Advisory Council by a simple majority. However these motions can be amended by full members as outlined in Section 13 7) above. As only the National Chairman or the Advisory Council by a 2/3 majority may call an EGM, any other Constitutional proposal must be made via the Annual Conference.
1) All persons occupying any positions of authority within the party and thereby authorised to issue directives to other members for the performance of party tasks are expected to communicate such directives with courtesy and dignity, mindful of the fact that the party is an organisation, not of conscripts, but of volunteers who for the most part give their services unpaid and are able to leave the party at any time they wish.
2) All members when engaged in party tasks are expected to act in accordance with whatever directives may be issued to them by the senior party official present, providing that such directives are reasonable, lawful and in compliance with the Constitution of the party.
3) All party members when present on party activities and functions are expected to be of clean and tidy appearance.
4) All party members are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit upon the party and to refrain from any acts, whether from a party political or private motive and whether political or private in nature, which are likely to bring the party into disrepute.
(a) The National Chairman may proscribe individuals, organisations or publications which are so hostile to the party, or whose views and/or behaviour are so likely to bring discredit upon the party, that members should have no contact with them.
(b) Such a hostile individual, publications or group is thenceforth regarded as a rotten apple and proscription is the means by which they are prevented from contaminating others. Not only are the proscribed barred from attending party functions and activities, but party members are barred from attending events organised by them and barred from sharing platforms with them, distributing or advertising literature and electronic media produced by or in support of them, and promoting events at which they are known or – in the opinion of the party leadership – likely to be attending.
(c) Proscriptions shall come into effect on publication in the National members’ bulletin and remain in force until further notice. A full list appears on the party’s website.
6) No party member is permitted to present as party policy any political viewpoint that has not been adopted as such. Any party member, when presenting any viewpoint which differs from adopted party policy, must stress that that viewpoint reflects only their own private opinion and is not part of any policy adopted by the party.
7) Every party member has the right to express criticism or dissent on matters internal to the party and to work, within the framework of the Constitution, to achieve internal change within the party. Members are expected to take concerns to their local or regional organiser and they in turn, should a quick resolution not be possible, to take it on to the Advisory Council. Further, an AC member so approached must raise the subject at the next AC meeting or in communication with the National Chairman and other AC colleagues. An official who airs criticism or dissent publicly or to subordinate members without first exhausting the proper channels shall be guilty of a serious disciplinary offence. As a general rule, good news should be passed to subordinate members while problems and criticisms should only be passed to more senior party officials.
8) The spreading of false or malicious rumours shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct. So too shall be the deliberate causing of disruption to the working of the party.
9) No party member or official shall transmit by any means – written, verbal or electronic – to another person or organisation matters that are internal to the party unless prior permission has been given by a member of the Advisory Council.
10) No party member or official shall call any activity or meeting beyond their position of authority. Any such call shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct.
11) Non-compliance with any part of this Constitution is an offence against this Code of Conduct
1) The British National Party shall be a political party which shall be referred to throughout the rest of this Constitution as “the party”.
2) The political objectives of the party are set out in the following Statement of Principles:-
(a) The British National Party is a party of British Nationalism committed to the principle of national sovereignty in all British affairs. It is pledged to the restoration of the unity and integrity of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It believes that the peoples of the entire British Isles, and their descendants overseas, form a single brotherhood, and is pledged therefore to adapt or create political, cultural, economic and military institutions with the aim of fostering the closest possible partnership between them.
(b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national character of the British people. It is therefore committed to stemming the tide of immigration to Britain.
(c) The British National Party is pledged to the maintenance of a private-enterprise economy operating within a broad framework of national economic policy. It is opposed to international monopoly capitalism and to laissez-faire free trade and free movement of plant and capital. Social stability and contentment is best achieved by the many enjoying a personal stake in our society. Accordingly, we believe that private property should be encouraged and spread to as many individual members of our nation as possible. We recognise that finance exists to serve the nation and its industries, rather than the other way around.
(d) The British National Party is implacably opposed to Marxism and liberal-capitalist globalism, which undermine our standard of living, human and ecological welfare, freedom and national identity.
(e) The British National Party stands for a policy of armed neutrality in international and military affairs. We are pledged to ensure that the lives of British servicemen are not risked in international quarrels in which no national interest of our own is at stake.
(f) The British National Party will introduce a Bill of Rights, establishing as absolute the right of all British people to effective freedom of speech, assembly and worship. The undemocratic power of the mass media and vested interest groups will be curbed and tougher penalties introduced for corruption in public affairs. We favour a devolved, democratic system in which political decisions are made by ordinary citizens at the most local level of government possible. We are pledged to extend and rejuvenate democratic government by returning to Parliament the powers that have been appropriated by the EU.
3) Any changes of policy such as may be needed to adapt to changing circumstances are permissible only insofar as they do not run contrary to any of the aforementioned principles.
1) Section removed
2) Section removed
3) Membership of the party shall be open only to those who are 16 years of age or over.
4) The national leadership of the party shall have the sole right to determine the annual subscription payable by members of the party, subject to the provision that any change on the subscription rate determined during any year shall not take effect until the 1st January of the following year.
5) All new members of the party shall remain probationary members for twenty four months from the date of joining and can have their membership terminated by the party’s National Chairman or by a national officer authorised by him without recourse to the disciplinary procedure laid down in Section 6.
6) All rights and privileges of membership of the party shall be withheld from any persons who allow their subscriptions to fall into arrears.
7) No member of the party shall be a member of another political party.
8) The elected National Chairman of the party, or any party official authorised by him, shall be empowered to refuse, without giving reasons, any new application for membership considered not to be in the interests of the party.
9) Persons joining the British National Party agree to work within the party’s Constitution and the principles outlined in Section 1.
10) A person who pays to be a Life Member still has to serve a two year probationary period and cannot stand for the post of National Chairman for five years. The full disciplinary provisions of Section 6 apply to Life Members.
11) To initiate disciplinary action against a probationary member, the Regional Organiser should report the probationary member to the National Chairman or to the national officer authorised by him, outlining the offence and the recommended action. Within 21 days the National Chairman or to the national officer authorised by him must decide upon the action to be taken and inform the probationary member of the decision or the matter would fall.
12) A member with over twenty four months continuous membership is to be known as a full member.
1) Once elected, the National Chairman shall have full executive power over all the political affairs of the party. This will include:
(a) Power of appointment to all the Regional Organisers, and all political National Officers chosen from among the Advisory Council members. In general the Party Chairman appoints to political roles (e.g. Elections, Communications, Publications, Publicity, Policy, Education and training, discipline and disputes).
(b) Power to determine all routine executive, policy and tactical decisions made by the party.
2) The Deputy Chairman shall have full executive power over all administrative affairs of the party (with the exception of the power to appoint Regional Organisers). This will include:
(a) Power of appointment to Administrative roles (e.g. the National Treasurer, the National Organiser, Staff Manager, Events Manager, Fundraising Manager and other roles as required).
(b) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all administrative, organisational structures within the party and to determine all rules and procedures whereby such structures are governed.
3) Any disagreement as to where the boundaries of the remit of the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman lies will be decided by the Advisory Council.
4) While the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman may at his discretion delegate decision making powers to individual colleagues or to assemblies of his colleagues where he feels that such decisions may be better made, they shall have ultimate and final authority upon any decision made that is within their area of authority.
5) The National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman may appoint Non Advisory Council members to senior positions but these officers do not count as National Officers.
1) Elections for the post of National Chairman shall be held every year. Nominations shall open on 20th July in each year and close at noon on 10th August. The election shall be held on a ‘one member, one vote’ basis in a secret postal ballot of all full members paid up by 1st of July.
2) Any member of the party may become a candidate for the post of National Chairman of the party provided that person is, and has been, on or before the close of nominations, a fully paid up member of the party for a minimum of five consecutive years, and has secured the signatures on his or her nomination paper of 250 full members as at 1st July. Each member can nominate only one candidate. On 1st July each year a statement will be issued detailing the total number of full members.
3) Nominations may only be collected from 1st July and must be completed on official nomination papers which are downloadable from the main party website.
4) Notification of a leadership election shall be issued in the September issue of the member’s bulletin, while the October issue will include a single side of A4 manifesto sheet from each candidate (designed and supplied by them) and a ballot paper. It will be sent by post to all full members as at 1st July, including those who normally receive their bulletins electronically.
5) A pre-recorded debate between the candidates shall be publicised on BNPtv, a private page on the BNP website will give each candidate up to six sides of A4 designed by them, the party magazine shall give each candidate equal space (at least two pages each) to set out their ideas, and at least three hustings meetings will be held with equal time for each candidate in different parts of the country and be open to all paid up full members from the areas in question. In the event that unavoidable external circumstances render any of these methods of communication impractical they may be omitted or replaced as decided by a simple majority vote of a special meeting of the Advisory Council.
6) Candidates may also campaign using their own methods, subject to the party’s Code of Conduct contained in Annex 1 of this Constitution and Section 6: Discipline. This includes but is not limited to blogs, websites, leaflets, brochures, e-mails, telephone calls, texts and meetings. The party will not provide membership lists in paper or electronic format but local officers may assist candidates with the local lists which they may legitimately have in their possession.
7) The ballot papers shall be kept unopened until the post has arrived on the third Thursday of October, when all received ballots shall be opened and counted under the supervision of two members of the Advisory Council, appointed by the Advisory Council, who are not candidates, together with the candidates and up to two scrutineers each.
8) The election shall take place on a ‘first past the post’ basis.
9) In any year in which no nominations for the post of National Chairman of the party are received the currently serving holder of the post will be deemed to have received a mandate from the party to hold it for a further term. In any year in which there is a challenge for the post of National Chairman, the currently serving National Chairman shall be deemed to be nominated automatically should he wish to stand again.
10) In the event of a General Election being called between 10th August and the 1st October and at least one candidate has been duly nominated, then the campaign will be suspended, resuming immediately after polling day. The Advisory Council will determine the new timetable.
11) If an outgoing National Chairman is a paid employee of the party and either does not wish to remain as such or is not required as such by the new incumbent, he shall receive severance pay in line with the statutory requirement, plus one month for each year served up to a total of eight years, and one week extra for each year thereafter.
12) The successful candidate in any such election will be considered as occupying the office of National Chairman immediately on completion of the counting of votes in that election.
13) If for whatever reason the post of National Chairman becomes vacant then the Deputy Chairman will become Acting Chairman until the yearly round of elections. The Advisory Council will have to select a new Deputy Chairman. No member of the Advisory Council may be removed until after this process has been completed, but vacancies can be filled.
1) The Advisory Council shall be made up of the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, all Regional Organisers (one per region as defined in the European Elections), five members elected by the Annual Conference, five appointed by the Chairman and five by the Deputy Chairman. The National Chairman and the Deputy Chairman may replace their appointees at any time except on the day of an Advisory Council meeting.
2) The Advisory Council shall meet not less than four times a year, and while the agenda for such meetings shall be set by the National Chairman, there shall be a section at each such meeting where any member of the Advisory Council may raise matters of any other business.
4) The Advisory Council shall appoint the Party Auditor, choosing this person by simple majority vote. The Party Auditor shall be entitled to inspect all the party’s accounts and financial records at their normal location and at any reasonable time by prior arrangement, and shall supply audited accounts and an auditor’s report to the first Advisory Council meeting in each financial year.
5) The Advisory Council shall also appoint by simple majority vote the Auditor who is required to submit accounts on an annual basis to the Electoral Commission. This auditor may or may not be the same as the Party Auditor.
6) The Advisory Council shall elect four of their number to serve as Bequest Trustees. The Bequest Trustees shall not be the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman nor the National Treasurer. These four trustees shall be responsible for administering any bequests left to the benefit of the party. They would be the only party members authorised to arrange future bequests. In the normal course of events, upon receipt of a bequest the money will be paid straight into the main party accounts. Any property bought or investments made by the party will be held in trust by the Bequest Trustees. The Bequest Trustees serve until removed from the Advisory Council. When this occurs the next meeting of the Advisory Council will elect a replacement by a simple majority vote.
7) The Advisory Council may call an Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting by a two-thirds majority of Advisory Council members voting in a properly convened meeting with a quorum of two-thirds, even if this is opposed by the National Chairman. Alternatively, the National Chairman may call such a meeting at any time he deems it necessary. Should such a meeting be called it must be held within forty days, and the matter which led to it being called shall be put to the members to decide. The decision of any members meeting overrides any decision of the Chairman or the Advisory Council.
8) The Deputy Chairman shall appoint the National Treasurer from among the members of the Advisory Council. The National Treasurer shall administer the central funds of the party, and shall be required to provide to the National Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Advisory Council regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of two members of the Advisory Council, as approved by the National Treasurer. The signatories may not be the National Chairman or the Deputy Chairman.
9) The National Treasurer shall, by prior arrangement be required to make available current financial records for inspection by any member of the Advisory Council at any meeting of the Advisory Council.
10) All party financial records, every account, item of expenditure or fundraising venture entered into by the party must be under the control of the National Treasurer and open to inspection by the National Chairman at any time and any member of the Advisory Council at any duly convened meeting, and incorporated into the yearly accounts.
11) A member of the Advisory Council shall not be removed from the Advisory Council on the day of an Advisory Council meeting.
12) The first Deputy Chairman is to be elected by the members present at the EGM that accepts this Constitution by a simple show of hands. Thereafter the Deputy Chairman is elected on a yearly basis by the Advisory Council at the first meeting of each year.
13) The Deputy Chairman may serve multiple terms and may only be removed mid-term by a two thirds majority vote by the Advisory Council at a duly convened meeting.
1) The disciplinary code of the party is embodied in the Code of Conduct, which comprises Annex 1 of this Constitution.
2) Members who have offended against the Code of Conduct or otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party shall be liable to disciplinary sanction.
3) Ultimate authority to determine how the ‘interests of the party’ may be defined rests with the National Chairman of the party or with any official or group of officials and/or members of the party authorised by him to act in that capacity.
4) In the first instance of any member being believed to have committed an offence as defined in this section, that member will normally be subject to a written reprimand. Such reprimands may be issued by any official senior to the member being reprimanded.
6) In the event of a written reprimand, the member concerned has the right of appeal to the National Chairman within fourteen days.
7) If after the fourteen days elapses and the member has not appealed yet continues to act in the manner which gave rise to the reprimand then he may be expelled or suspended.
8) In the case of a serious offence being committed and where it is judged that there would be some immediate risk to the well-being of the party in that person continuing to exercise their rights of membership, the National Chairman or other senior official authorised by him, may immediately suspend or expel from membership any such member prior to a disciplinary tribunal being held to determine whether that person has committed an offence.
9) If a member is expelled or suspended, either after first receiving a reprimand or as a result of an immediate risk that requires that the member be disciplined immediately, the member concerned should be sent in writing the details of the alleged offence, within two weeks of the notice of suspension or expulsion being sent.
10) If written details of the alleged offence are not sent within fourteen days then the suspension or expulsion is automatically lifted.
11) Upon receipt of the details of the alleged offence the member has fourteen days in which to ask for a disciplinary tribunal. Failure to reply will mean that the suspension or expulsion stands.
12) The disciplinary tribunal must be held within two calendar months of receipt of the request for a tribunal from the suspended or expelled member. Failure to hold the tribunal within a month will result in the suspension or expulsion being automatically lifted.
13) The disciplinary tribunal shall be composed of senior party officials where possible and shall be selected according to the convenience of the party by the National Chairman. Such a tribunal shall consist of a tribunal chairman and two other party members. Such a tribunal shall, as far as possible, be conducted in a place and at a time reasonably accessible to the accused and with a minimum of fourteen days notice.
14) The disciplinary tribunal shall have the power to rescind an expulsion or suspension; suspend from membership; increase the period of suspension of membership; impose restrictions upon a person; and shall also have the power to expel from membership those guilty of offences against the Code of Conduct or who have otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party.
15) In the event of a disciplinary tribunal being conducted as specified above, it will be left to the discretion of the official responsible to formulate the precise procedure for the conduct of such an enquiry, though this must be reasonable and fair. Complex cases may call for a tribunal prosecutor to marshal the evidence and present the case. Witnesses may be called by both sides.
16) The member who is subject to the disciplinary tribunal may bring one representative to assist in their defence, who may or may not be a member.
17) An appeal within two weeks to the National Chairman against a disciplinary tribunal decision or sanction may be made by the guilty party. If the member is found innocent then there is no means to appeal.
1) The nationwide organisation of the party shall be divided on a geographical basis into regions, branches, groups and contacts. Additionally specialist circles may be formed from time to time on a non-geographical basis, the membership of which need not necessarily be party members.
2) The region will normally consist of a county or group of counties, determined according to convenience by the party leadership. The normal basis will be the regions as used for the European Elections.
3) Within each region the strength of the party will be divided into smaller units to be known as branches, groups and contacts. These will normally be based on local authority boundaries but may be further broken down into cities, towns, parliamentary constituencies or groups or parts thereof, situated in close proximity to each other.
4) Contact, group and branch organisers are appointed/removed by their Regional Organiser and he, in turn, by the National Chairman.
5) As with the regional based party structure, the heads of circles are likewise subordinate to the National Chairman and count as party officials.
6) Branch, group and contact organisers will have full authority over the affairs of their branches and groups within the limits of this Constitution. This authority will include the power to appoint all other branch or group officials as are deemed necessary to the running of their local units including fund holders. The latter authority does not apply to contacts, since contacts are a smaller, pre-group phase of organisation. The membership, in any locality or circle, may naturally make their preference clear for their choice of any local official, but the final decision rests with the official responsible for the appointment.
7) All groups and branches must have a fund holder and an organiser. The National Treasurer may demand the removal of a local Fundholder against the wishes of the Regional Organiser or local organiser.
8) Branches, groups and contacts within any region shall be distinguished from one another according to the discretion of the National Chairman using nationally standard criteria. Responsibility for establishing branches, groups and contacts within a region, for determining lines of demarcation between them and for defining the precise criteria whereby a unit qualifies to be registered as a branch shall lie with the Regional Organiser, who shall be answerable in turn to the National Chairman.
(a) Property or funds entrusted to, or held by, a member or ex-member or any body or unit of the party for party purposes, shall be held and used by him, or her, or them, as trustee for the party for the time being, subject to any lawful and constitutional directive imposed or given by the donor or the person entrusting the property or funds to the said trustee.
(b) A trustee shall, if so required by the Deputy Chairman of the party or any official thus authorised by him, transfer ownership and possession of property and funds held in trust for and on behalf of the party to any person or persons nominated as trustees for the party thereby. Every such trustee shall, so far as may be within his or her power, obey the directions of the Deputy Chairman or any official authorised by him as to the use or disposal of property or funds held by them for and on behalf of the party.
(c) Save the exception provided for in Section 8, sub-section 1, para. (d) below, no official other than the National Treasurer and the Deputy Chairman or some official authorised by him, may commit or involve the party in any expenditure of central funds or any other form of transaction without the written consent of the Deputy Chairman or an official authorised by him for such a purpose.
(d) The central funds of the party shall be administered by a National Treasurer, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and who shall not be the same person as the party auditor. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of the National Treasurer and one other party official to be appointed by the Deputy Chairman. The Deputy Chairman shall determine, by arrangement with the National Treasurer, the maximum limit on any item of expenditure which may be made without his (the Deputy Chairman’s) consent.
(e) All debts and liabilities properly incurred by the party at a national level shall be solely the responsibility of the National Chairman.
(a) All local funds of the party shall be administered by the Regional Treasurer in a single regional account, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure concerned, and to keep and submit to the relevant authorities, all records required under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation. All cheques paid out from the regional funds must bear the signature of the Regional Treasurer and Regional Organiser. Limits of expenditure for any local funds shall be determined in accordance with the same procedure as that specified in the foregoing sub-section.
(b) Regions may operate other accounts subject to the prior approval of the National Treasurer and their being operated in accordance with the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation.
(c) Contact areas, as distinct from groups and branches, do not raise money to be administered by the Regional Treasurer. Contacts, for the purposes of the law, are treated as individuals and are not able to collect or receive donations. Any monies raised by individuals for the immediate furtherance of the party in a contact area (e.g. the purchase of leaflets or papers etc.) are permissible.
(d) No local unit may operate any kind of account.
(e) In the event that, for any reason, local funds are not able to be administered by the Regional Treasurer, then the funds will be administered by the National Treasurer or another treasurer appointed by either him or the Deputy Chairman.
(f) Any financial undertakings entered into by any local unit or region of the party are the sole responsibility of that local unit/region, and no party organisation outside that unit/region may be charged with liability for debts arising therefrom. No organiser shall commit his branch/group to spend against future anticipated income and thereby place his unit in debt. All debts and liabilities incurred by any local unit shall be the personal responsibility of the organiser of that unit/region and not that of the party.
(g) The arrangements for the method and frequency whereby regional treasurers keep the National Treasurer and local units within the region informed of the position of the regional account shall be determined by the National Treasurer who shall have the right, and is expected, to inspect all regional financial records on reasonable notice.
(h) In the event of a local unit disbanding for any reason, all monies and property belonging to that unit shall revert automatically to the ownership of the party and the custody of the Regional Treasurer of the party.
1) All publication of party literature at local level and on local initiative will require the consent of the party’s Director of Publicity. This consent may be obtained by either the prior submission of any such literature for inspection by the party’s Director of Publicity or by his granting to the local official concerned authority to print such literature as he sees fit.
2) The elected National Chairman will reserve the absolute right to order to be withdrawn from distribution any item of party literature or other publicity material published which does not comply with the aforementioned rules or which, in its content or quality of production, does not reflect creditably on the party.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statement to, the news media on matters internal to the party who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statements to, the news media on matters of local politics who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party. The exception to this rule is any elected representative for that local area.
(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statements to, the news media on national issues who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a national official of the party.
1) No local branch or group of the party may undertake to contest any election, whether parliamentary or local government, without the prior consent of the National Chairman or national official or Regional Organiser authorised by him.
2) Local units must submit their choice of candidate for approval to the National Chairman or a person authorised by him to approve candidates.
1) No local branch or group of the party my undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that branch or group without the prior consent of the local Regional Organiser.
2) In the same way no region of the party may undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that region without the prior consent of the National Chairman or senior official delegated by him.
1) There shall be an Annual Conference held in the Autumn of each year open to all full members.
2) The Chairman of the meeting shall be selected by the Advisory Council and shall not be the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman.
3) The Chairman of the meeting shall decide on the conduct of the meeting.
4) At least fourteen days notice must be given for the date of the conference and fourteen days notice given for any constitutional changes that are to be debated.
5) The primary purpose for the Annual Conference is to debate policy. Full members must be notified of policy motions at least fourteen days prior to the Conference.
6) In the event of the National Chairman or the Advisory Council calling an Extraordinary General Members’ Meeting, at least fourteen days notice must be given to all full members by post with notification of the proposed motions. All full members are allowed to attend and vote at an EGM.
7) Any full member wishing to submit an amendment to any motion on the agenda of an EGM or Annual Conference must have a separate proposer and seconder for such a resolution who are both full members of the party and must submit the resolution to the Chairman of the meeting before the motion is debated.
8) Policy motions are passed by a simple majority. Policy motions passed by a 2/3 majority must appear in the manifesto.
9) The Annual Conference shall elect five full members to sit on the Advisory Council. These full members may not be Regional Organisers. To be elected onto the Advisory Council the full member must be present at the Annual Conference. He must have a proposer and a seconder at the Annual Conference. Each candidate may make a five minute speech to the Conference. After each candidate has made his speech, their proposer may make a 2 minute speech, and their seconder a one minute speech. Thereafter the candidates will be elected by a show of hands. Should less than five full members apply for the positions, then those who do apply are elected automatically. Any spare places will be filled by the Deputy Chairman from any full members who may or may not be present before the next Advisory Council meeting. If elected members resign from the Advisory Council during the year, then the Deputy Chairman may co-opt a replacement. Elected members of the Advisory Council sit on the Advisory Council until the next Annual Conference.
1) Any changes made to this Constitution may only be made by a 2/3 majority vote at a properly convened Extraordinary General Meeting of members with over two years continuous membership or at the Annual Conference which is only open to members with over two years continuous membership.
2) Voting at an EGM or at the Annual Conference will be by a show of hands.
3) Proposals to amend the constitution must be sent in a members’ bulletin prior to the EGM or Annual Conference and must be received at least fourteen days prior to the EGM or Annual Conference. The proposals may be amended by the Conference or EGM.
4) Changes shall be effective from the time the vote is taken. They must be published in the next members’ bulletin and published on the main party website within fourteen days.
5) Proposals to change the constitution may only be made in the first instance by the National Chairman, the Deputy Chairman or the Advisory Council by a simple majority. However these motions can be amended by full members as outlined in Section 13 7) above. As only the National Chairman or the Advisory Council by a 2/3 majority may call an EGM, any other Constitutional proposal must be made via the Annual Conference.
1) All persons occupying any positions of authority within the party and thereby authorised to issue directives to other members for the performance of party tasks are expected to communicate such directives with courtesy and dignity, mindful of the fact that the party is an organisation, not of conscripts, but of volunteers who for the most part give their services unpaid and are able to leave the party at any time they wish.
2) All members when engaged in party tasks are expected to act in accordance with whatever directives may be issued to them by the senior party official present, providing that such directives are reasonable, lawful and in compliance with the Constitution of the party.
3) All party members when present on party activities and functions are expected to be of clean and tidy appearance.
4) All party members are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit upon the party and to refrain from any acts, whether from a party political or private motive and whether political or private in nature, which are likely to bring the party into disrepute.
(a) The National Chairman may proscribe individuals, organisations or publications which are so hostile to the party, or whose views and/or behaviour are so likely to bring discredit upon the party, that members should have no contact with them.
(b) Such a hostile individual, publications or group is thenceforth regarded as a rotten apple and proscription is the means by which they are prevented from contaminating others. Not only are the proscribed barred from attending party functions and activities, but party members are barred from attending events organised by them and barred from sharing platforms with them, distributing or advertising literature and electronic media produced by or in support of them, and promoting events at which they are known or – in the opinion of the party leadership – likely to be attending.
(c) Proscriptions shall come into effect on publication in the National members’ bulletin and remain in force until further notice. A full list appears on the party’s website.
6) No party member is permitted to present as party policy any political viewpoint that has not been adopted as such. Any party member, when presenting any viewpoint which differs from adopted party policy, must stress that that viewpoint reflects only their own private opinion and is not part of any policy adopted by the party.
7) Every party member has the right to express criticism or dissent on matters internal to the party and to work, within the framework of the Constitution, to achieve internal change within the party. Members are expected to take concerns to their local or regional organiser and they in turn, should a quick resolution not be possible, to take it on to the Advisory Council. Further, an AC member so approached must raise the subject at the next AC meeting or in communication with the National Chairman and other AC colleagues. An official who airs criticism or dissent publicly or to subordinate members without first exhausting the proper channels shall be guilty of a serious disciplinary offence. As a general rule, good news should be passed to subordinate members while problems and criticisms should only be passed to more senior party officials.
8) The spreading of false or malicious rumours shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct. So too shall be the deliberate causing of disruption to the working of the party.
9) No party member or official shall transmit by any means – written, verbal or electronic – to another person or organisation matters that are internal to the party unless prior permission has been given by a member of the Advisory Council.
10) No party member or official shall call any activity or meeting beyond their position of authority. Any such call shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct.
11) Non-compliance with any part of this Constitution is an offence against this Code of Conduct
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